Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipe. Creamy mushroom soup accompanied with crusty bread, deliciously warming for a chilly winter’s day. Enjoy our Cream of Mushroom Soup recipe.
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Are you brave enough to try this mac and cheese pizza?
Do you have to blend it?
Thank you so much .
I made this soup without celery
It was great. Thank you so much
If you would like to cook a facinating porcini mushroom soup, here is the best way to have a unforgotable soup experience with our special porcini formula;
Is there anything else i can use instead of butter ?
Very clear instructions and well constructed video!! Even a person who cannot understand English well like me can do it step by step after watching it once. Thanks a lot!
…more like 28 years yelling. 🙂
This soup does not "Puree" at all. Sorry.
We did this exact recipe and the soup was nasty after we "liquidized" it. It was awesome before we put it through the liquidizer; it turned it into a really gritty and cartilage-like texture since mushrooms don't actually dissolve.
what is with these guys and blending soup. the best part of the soup is the bits of soup stuff floating in it.
Chicken stock is a kind of broth made either from the bones of a roast chicken sometimes with cooked vegetables. It adds flavour to dishes and can be brought either in stock cubes, or in liquid form. Or if you're feeling adventurous you can make it from scratch!
what is chicken stock
Taste great
Wheres the CREAM? The Cat got it.
You have really hairy arms!
what kind of flour did u use?
great video, I like to saute some diced mushrooms to put them on the soup after it has been in the blender.
Thank for great and simple soup. Very delicous. Will update on my blog and credit it back to you. Want search other various of food? Kindly google it 'Julie Rosarina'
it works though D:
step 1 eat soup
step 2 develop high blood pressure
crusty bread?
thank you chef, I made this afew days ago but I didn't add chicken stock and tasted great. I really loved it
how to make cream of mushroom soup? buy the can
wow.. the effort.. I just open a campbell can and follow the instructions o.O
Their is no chicken stock in mushroom soup in the USA.