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Transform a piquant herb into a creamy, sweet paste by oven-roasting garlic with the help of these tips.
Step 1: Pick the garlic
Buy whole garlic bulbs from your local grocer or specialty market. Choose fresh, white bulbs and avoid those with mold or mildew.
Don’t use garlic with a green sprout growing from the center of the cloves.
Step 2: Prepare the garlic
Remove the loose, papery skin, but leave the rest intact. Cut a half-inch from the pointed head, exposing the individual cloves.
Step 3: Drizzle with oil
Drizzle the cloves with olive oil, ensuring that each one is sufficiently coated. Sprinkle them with salt and pepper.
Step 4: Roast the heads
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Wrap each bulb in aluminum foil and bake for about 45 minutes or until the cloves are soft and golden brown.
Use a clay garlic roaster if you have one.
Step 5: Remove the softened garlic
Let the garlic cool, and then use a small knife to loosen the skin around each clove. Remove a clove, and squeeze it to remove the softened garlic.
Step 6: Eat the garlic
Spread the roasted garlic paste directly onto hearty French bread or mix it into your favorite spread or pasta. Delicious!
Did You Know?
Regular consumption of garlic may lower blood pressure.
How and for how long can you store them?
Side Note" This is guaranteed way to ensure nobody will ever want to kiss you or talk to you in a closed space.
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Search Google for: "Hibloderox Remedy"
I really don't think garlic is a herb (nor is it an "erb").
This is an awesome way to start a grease fire in your house. Thanks for a lame recipe.
Hey! Thanks for this useful video. By the way, I hear lots of people keep on talking about Hibloderox Remedy (just google it), but I'm not sure if it is good. Have you thought about home remedy called Hibloderox Remedy? I've heard some awesome things about it and my mate completely cure his hypertension naturally with this remedy.
I tried this today… Was very good. I used it for mashed potatoes- it loses its garlicky smell n pungency. It becomes sweet. kind of like raw onions compared to carmelized onions. Same vegetable to start but totally different taste and textures after its roasted
i want to go to there
LOL, I love garlic and I also love onions:))
Don't eat too many of these, the stench comes through you pores.
Nah, the heating process does something to the garlic's heat. It comes out sweet and pungeant, but distinctly lacking raw garlic's bite. Delicious!
your girlfriend will never go near you as well
Ahhh. Thank you. I'm very new to this, and have a lot to learn.
black pepper is used in almost everything not for the spicyness but for the depth of flavor. It can be used as a heat source when used in excess, jerk chicken for example is heavily peppered.
Why use pepper? Isn't the garlic hot enough? Everything else though was very helpful. Sincerest thanks.
i like how they always say MAY lower….its either it will or it wont
this good with guacomole?
u go, girl!
That's genius… O.O
He wasted the garlic, just chop in half and then place it together
u mad brosif?