How To Stop Feeling Anxious

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In today’s video you’ll learn 5 techniques to immediately reduce anxiety and stop overthinking. Then we’ll cover 5 mindset shifts that let you instantly feel more confident.


0:00 – Intro
0:08 – Technique #1: Use your body
0:43 – Technique #2: Use breathing techniques
1:32 – Technique #3: The Snap Method
2:24 – Technique #4: Gratitude Anchoring
4:19 – Technique #5: Own it with a smile
5:00 – Mindset #1: Accept your anxiety
6:30 – Mindset #2: Shift from an outcome mindset to a process mindset
7:20 – Mindset #3: Be willing to polarize
7:48 – Mindset #4: Reframe the situation
8:26 – Mindset #5: Focus on getting options


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27 Replies to “How To Stop Feeling Anxious”

  1. I got my charisma in my thumb just know people will be jealous of you and try to bring you down. that's the downside. Of it.

  2. I personally have a really hard time forcing myself into a conversation with a group of people who all have known each other and I know nothing about them

  3. so combining those breathing tips, we have the breathing trapezoid: breath in for 5s, hold 6s, release 7s, hold 6s

  4. Procrastination, and pessimism are my biggest instigators of anxiety. I put off doing the easiest things and then get anxious because they take too long and never turn out petfect.

  5. "TWIGLETT'S" are a UK snack that looks like pretzel sticks, but tastes like Vegemite or Marmite, a bitter-salty yeast extract.

  6. I've tried the breathing exercises and they never work for me (useless) my anxiety and panic attacks are overwhelming (over 100 BPM) and I can't control them, if I am under pressure and the problem will not go away my bipolar takes over and the anger comes through, it's an undeniable avoidance, maybe that makes sense? but I like the idea of reversing the feelings of the anxiety towards something else to combat that, maybe that will help?

  7. Shame on being nervous, I accept how I feel, it ok to be nervous as long as I see this pass and my emotions will overcome the external circumstances.

  8. 👌 one hour of being uploaded and yet it's like a whole nother world now. I'm present, slowly breathing. So grateful to feel that you can be here with me out of all things, you could be doing. NO REPRESSION, IM HAPPY FOR WHAT I DO.

  9. I really hate the advertisement for this program at the end of every video.
    Makes me really suspicious about the whole video.

  10. It's not as though Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson have never had anything profound to say, but I have this guttural reaction every time I see either of them featured on this channel – they've sullied themselves by lying down with dogs and waking up with fleas IMO

  11. Turns out people lied

    They said, "Just snap your fingers"

    As if it was really that easy for me to get over you

    I just need time

    Snapping one, two

    Where are you?

    You're still in my heart

    Snapping three, four

    Don't need you here anymore

    Get out of my heart

    (This is a reference for maybe 3 of you out there)

  12. 2:1 breathing technique: this helped me: you inhale for for example 3 seconds and then exhale for 6. Or you inhale for 4 seconds and exhale for 8. Always just double the seconds you inhale. You can count with your fingers

  13. "You don't have to wait for something big to be grateful" plays clip of Chris Pratt saying that he's been grateful since he could quit his dayjob cause he got his big acting break

  14. Kind of a bummer most role models are actors and celebrities worshipped like royalty vs the greatest minds and contributors to humanity. Thanks for including some of the latter.

  15. Why do people learn life lessons too late?

    Imagine that you are about to begin a long climb to the top of the mountain.

    At the top of the mountain await – so we are told by the wise elders – peace and happiness.

    So we start our journey, eager to get to the top.

    But before we get very far, we see a sign:

    Free fun and games.

    So we depart from our path and go indulge in the fun. How exciting! We compete and do a whole bunch of winning and losing.

    Eventually, we get sick of playing and remember the mountain top again, so we get back on track.

    After climbing for a while, we see another sign:

    Instant success this way.

    That sounds great, and it seems so much closer compared to the distant mountain top, so again we depart from our path.

    And we go chase success. We win some and we lose some, until our craving for success is satisfied and we come to the conclusion that no amount of success is going to make us happy.

    So we continue our journey up the mountain, but the journey is long and our legs are getting heavy.

    We see another sign:

    Shortcut to the top.

    Sounds like just what we need!

    We again depart from the path and end up at a shop selling all sorts of shortcuts and strategies.

    Eagerly, we spend time trying them out, only to realize that the shortcuts are about the idea of getting to the top instead of actually getting there.

    We have now wasted so much time that it’s starting to get dark.

    In the dusk, we stumble our way to the top of the mountain.

    Exhausted, we finally see the beauty and endless space of the mountaintop.

    There are no objects at the top of the mountain.

    There’s nothing to do, nothing to fear or desire.

    There’s just peace and us.

    And in that moment, we realize that the greatest gift in life is simply to be.

    A gift that was with us all along the way.

  16. Only just watching the free stuff this channel puts out, I feel like I've turned into a pretty well-liked person.
    Here's a warning, though: If you were depressed before, there's a chance you'll come out the other end simply a well-liked depressed person.

  17. What are 10 reasons for failure in life?

    The habit of quitting in between. If you pick a task, finish it, deal with the struggles with an intent to overcome obstacles and cross the line.

    Not valuing the opportunity at hand in this moment, living in the past or future. See what best you can do now at this moment.

    Keeping in mind the trophy; the prize of your efforts. It deviates you from action and makes you anxious and frustrated. You lose intensity and focus.

    Using previous failures as a source of guilt, regret, pain, and frustration, instead, use them as a source of learning, inspiration to try harder, and appreciate that you tried.

    Picking goals inspired solely by other peoples success, not looking inside and evaluating your strengths, weaknesses, passions and interest and simply following the herd.

    Working half-heartedly, not having self-belief and confidence in yourself. If you think you can't do it the entire universe moves in that direction. If you decide that you will do it, you create positive vibrations through your energy. You take the right decisions, tremors don't shake you much, you grab opportunities.

    You shall fail only if you try to succeed. So a person committed to trying fails and not the one who doesn't try out of fear of failure. The other side of the coin is, don't make everything as a point of victory, live life as a journey of diversified experiences.

    Sometimes easy success or high privileges at the starting of the journey makes you lethargic, dull and overconfident, thus promoting failures at important times in life.

    Judging your life solely based on materialistic achievements and possessions. Having a loving family is a victory, fulfilling responsibilities is success, being content is success, and bringing smiles to sad faces is also success. Having and maintaining good health is the biggest success.

    Being confused about multiple options and not being firm on a decision reduces the level of energy and intensity. You keep working in regret and continuously think about the opportunity costs. Make a decision with pride and commit to it beyond materials and success points. Commit to that work for the next few years.

  18. What are some general "rules of thumb" everyone should know regarding personal finance?

    Never live beyond your means

    Invest now – no market timing

    Costs matter

    Don’t stock pick

    This time isn’t different

    Limit exposure to emerging markets

    Don’t allow your bias to cloud your judgement


    Have a budget unique to each month

    Budget with your partner

    Learn to say no to invitations

    Spend more money on experiences as opposed to things

    Focus on your financial objectives

    Break down those objectives into small monthly goals.

    Read about personal finance

    Ignore the financial media

    Ignore media sensationalism in general – fear sells

    Don’r confuse volatility and stability

    Ignore government bonds when you are young – or have a 10% allocation

    Have more bonds as you reach closer to retirement age

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