I had to cut my lashes because BAEBROWs «WHAT THE BROW!» Serum made them too long????

✨You can Find the WHAT THE BROW! Lash and brow serum here: https://baebrow.com/products/what-the-brow-eyebrow-growth-serum

It’s vegan, cruelty-free and has only natural ingrediens! No hormones, and gentle for the skin!!❤️

28 Replies to “I had to cut my lashes because BAEBROWs «WHAT THE BROW!» Serum made them too long????”

  1. Most women/girls: i GrOw My EyElAsHeS fOr BeAuTy ????

    Boys: i grow my eyelashes to an ideal length to protect my eyes from dirt and dust. ????

  2. As somone with long eyelashes, it's all fun in games until one gets stuck in your eye

  3. having long lashes is nice unless you're like me who has really long eyelashes (like the girl) but they are completely straight and point downwards so they are in my vision AT ALL TIMES its SO annoying!!

  4. Bro i think men/boys just naturally have longer eyelashes than women/girls cuz my eyelashes are long for no reason and i hate when they get in my eyes

  5. My anxiety when the scissors went close to her eye : ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  6. My anxiety when she put it like 1 inch from her eye:????????????????????????????????????

  7. One time when I was a kid a cut my eyelashes (only on one eye) cuz I wanted to be like my mom and I thought the curler cuts your eyelashes I saw my mom using it so I cut mine with scissors- ????

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