I Tested All the Popular Weight Loss Tricks, See What Happened to Me

One of the Bright Side writers decided to conduct her very own experiment. She has tested firsthand the Internet’s most common tips to lose weight. Get ready for an eye-opener!
Please, keep in mind that everybody is different: what works for one person might not work for another, and vice versa! In this video, we want to share our own experience and conclusions!

Drink water before each meal 0:56
Aromatherapy 1:46
Brush your teeth instead of having dessert 2:36
Eat standing up 3:37
Hold silverware with the “wrong” hand 4:26
Use cool colors in the kitchen 5:00
Dine in the twilight 5:59
Choose foods that digest more slowly 6:48
Dress up for meals 7:37
Eat 2 pieces of dark chocolate when hungry 8:17
Acupuncture 9:01
Food separation 9:38
Chew everything 40 times 10:22
Use a smaller plate 11:14

Before the experiment, I thought that healthy eating meant greatly reducing your meal options. But some unusual tips and tricks work too! Don’t just blindly take my word for it, though! Something that didn’t work for me might very well work for you, and vice versa!
What means and methods do you use to shed extra pounds? Share in the comments! And if you also tried or repeated our peculiar experiment, or even if you’ve recently started a weight-loss journey, please hit the like button!

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15 Replies to “I Tested All the Popular Weight Loss Tricks, See What Happened to Me”

  1. Hey guys! Have you ever tried any of these tricks? Did they work for you?

  2. Drinking water has helped. I drink three bottles of water each day. That's equal 6 glasses. Plus I'm using small plates and small bowls.

  3. Ever wonder how ballerinas keep that lean form?

    I mean I’m a ballerina and I don’t have that

  4. You don't need to "trick" your brain. When you remember the brain rules the body, not the other way around, you "trick" your STOMACH. I can honestly say I haven't had hunger pangs for YEARS. I eat only once in a day and not even every day. My weight? 125# for DECADES.

  5. My tip of dieting is…
    -Eat a healthy breakfast (then eat whatever for lunch and dinner)
    -try not to snack between meals
    -if snacking eat fruits or nuts
    -workout atleast 1 hour a day
    -Portion control over the meals
    -and after doing all this have a cheat day once a week or once in two weeks (in those days eat whatever for all three meals and eat how much u want but try not to snack alot) 😋.

  6. Pack your own lunch for office. Take two containers full of veggies: carrot, tomato, cucumber. Just 1 piece of bread. Probably you will eat so much that you don’t want dinner anymore.

  7. I think eating with strangers will work more then eating in your Favorite dress but we can't find strangers everytime

  8. Fasting for 16 hours a day with an 8 hour eating window! That’s the “diet” I’m on.

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