I Turned Dollar Store Food Gourmet

The ultimate challenge to prove that the most important aspect of cooking is technique… I hope.

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20 Replies to “I Turned Dollar Store Food Gourmet”

  1. The stores we went to were: Dollar Tree, 99 cent Store (that’s where we got the fresh vegetables), and Family Dollar. This was a fun challenge but it also shows that it always come down to heart and technique not fancy ingredients. 🙂

  2. Honestly what I like about this kind of video is this. I see a lot of videos of "omg we're making the most expensive [whatever] ever!!!!" and I'm like, sure, go flex your subscribers and money, noone is ever going to make that or be able to afford to. We're in the middle of a massive recession and we've been there since 2007… but making stuff like But Cheaper and showing how to make good food with cheap ingredients and little equipment is just nicer.

  3. "Meal using dollar store food" immediately goes to a grocery store

    I like your videos Josh but this one comes across a bit tone deaf.

  4. Canned peaches & evaporated milk. 1960s dessert like that weird fruit cocktail you can still buy.

  5. Hey Josh, you would cry in the comments if you didn't have a gas stove too. They need something to do while waiting for a pan to heat up ????

  6. You can even get away with charring peppers with a butane torch lighter from a gas station

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