Joe's Special – Original Joe's Ground Beef & Spinach Scramble

Learn how to make a Joe’s Special! Go to for the ingredient amounts, extra information, and many, many more video recipes! I hope you enjoy this easy Ground Beef & Spinach Scramble Recipe!

13 Replies to “Joe's Special – Original Joe's Ground Beef & Spinach Scramble”

  1. I ate at Original Joe's in the Marina District of San Francisco many times. I lived a block away. Delicious meal. I've used ground turkey as well. Steamed asparagus or broccoli will do as well

  2. love it…i have been doing keto and this is my dinner few nights a week. keto can be expensive but for $5, i am full

  3. Neat recipe; I'll add it next week. 🙂 But more wanted to comment to say that I LOVE your video / presentation – with continual close up of the FOOD, instead of yourself or other people which, while perhaps more entertaining, does NOT help me as an amateur cook – THIS did help!!! And LARGE font for the additional tips – thank you! I am definitely subscribing and eager to peruse your other videos. 🙂

  4. Been to the San Jose location and that is all I ever ordered when my parents took me as a kid. Mom tried making it a few times and it wasn't half bad, but sitting at the counter in the restaurant and watching it be prepared was the ultimate experience.

  5. Personally I like making ground beef with spinach and goat cheese. To me the goat cheese funk makes the ground beef taste like lamb. I'll season it however I feel often with middle eastern or Indian style spices and I even use this mix to stuff acorn and butternut squash rubbed with honey and cinnamon

  6. Joe probably stands for "Joe blow" which is just a way of saying an average guy.

  7. Awesome been making that for years just because I figured that would be a good flavor together. Never knew there was a place saying it was invented there. MMMMMM

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