Mushroom Hunting – Pacific NW – Chanterelles – 2 of 4

In this, the second of four videos, Jaxon Ravens explains the basics of hunting for Chanterelle mushrooms.

Jaxon is not an expert in the field of mycology (the scientific study of fungi). These videos are only introductions to this activity and for basic informational purposes only.

Do not eat any wild mushrooms you find unless you are absolutely sure what they are. Many wild mushrooms can be dangerous if eaten. Make sure to go with someone who knows what they are doing on your first couple of trips.

24 Replies to “Mushroom Hunting – Pacific NW – Chanterelles – 2 of 4”

  1. So beautiful363๐Ÿ””๐Ÿค๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ””

  2. I never pick the whole, cut them off with a sharp knife so they grow back,so there will be more always in that area.

  3. I've read that Tiger Mountain state park is a good area for chanterelle's. I've hiked around in there a few times but all I ever really see is areas with dense fern growth and you mentioned not to bother with heavy fern areas. Are you familiar with those hunting grounds? Is there anywhere really to just kind of pull over and start bushwhacking? I just start off on one of the trails and then veer off. No luck finding fern-less spots though or mushrooms for that matter. Any advice?

  4. my favourite mushroom, i love scrabled eggs with it and chanterella soup, we also have them in poland

  5. @UlyssesReturns: Chantrelles are $20 a pound? Can you be rich hunting for these valuable mushrooms? If so, should I quit my day job? I'd rather work outdoors in the fresh air than in a cubicle. At least, I don't have to worry about my boss cracking the whip and breathing down my neck. It's stressful working in an office. I'm always worried about getting fired. I want to go back to a simpler time where people grow their own food and live off the land. That's my dream.

  6. You have made some very interesting points in this video, all of which I must thank you for.
    One very importantpoint that I would like to make is that all Muchrooms should be cut with a sharp knife just above the ground, as it is very important to leave the roots and part s of the mushroom in the ground so that it can continue growing in the same area.

  7. Nice work. I live in Scotland where the health care isn't such an outrage and chanterelles thrive in yolky abundance. (We have Fall all summer long…). Beech and/or birch woods are a prime hunting grounds over here and fallen birch leaves are the ultimate girolle comouflage.
    I have never had a firm resolution to the old cut/pull debate, but years of picking have never altered my preference for pulling. So much more satisfying and no fall-off in crops.
    I agree:pick for pleasure,then eat or trade

  8. Thanks for doing these videos. I don't pluck them out of the ground I cut at the base. Just from being told by other mushroom people who have done it many years. I would like to learn more about spores and how that helps in the growth of mushrooms. also do you know how fast it takes for them to grow? Again , thankyou so much for these videos.

  9. Take a look at the other set of videos I posted on Morels. The Morel seson should be starting about now. I'm going out in the next couple of weeks and am hopefull that it will be a good season. Best of luck.

  10. So I know they grow in the fall around september/october, but how about spring time, like now (April/May)? When is the best time to find mushrooms in western WA?

  11. The true outrage is people not taking better care of their health. True health care begins at home, not in the white house.

  12. Hi,
    Hey thanks for the tip. Could you by chance let me know EXACTLY where you went ?Hey just kidding. I know the score! Thanks again. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. You got mushrooms this time of year? Where do you go? I live in Arizona and I think I'm screwed either way! But where do you go if you dont mind?

  14. Yes, but they need to be in very very good shape…dry, clean and well formed. I've heard of people taking baskets to the backdoors of restaurants and asking the head chefs if they are interested in making a purchase. Usually the chef gets to choose the ones they want to buy. I think that many restaurants already have someone who the go to regualrly for their mushrooms, but it probably wouldn't hurt to ask. I like giving them away to friends.

  15. Acutally, the fact that we don't have decent health care in the US is an outrage. As for the method of picking chanterelles, experts tell me that the only difference between cutting and pulling is that pulling results in a larger number of small mushrooms in following years and cutting results in larger mushrooms, but that the actual volume of mushrooms remains the same. I have not noticed a significant change in the number of mushrooms that grow in the areas where I routinely "pull".

  16. the best way to harvest is cut stem at an angle, so they grow back every year. Chantrelles have no gills, they are called veins.

  17. The basket provides more protection for the mushrooms, keeping them from getting bruised or wet. In a more open and dryer environment a mesh bag might work well. Spore in very fine grained and the bottom of the basket has many gaps so I imagine that a fair bit gets distributed around the forest. I've gone through a lot of basket looking for the right one.

  18. Just out of curiosity, why do you use a basket instead of a mesh bag? Wouldn't using a bag help spread the spores around for the next season?

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