Puppy Love & Favorites

I apologize for the delay of videos…I’m in Hawaii and will be returning soon =)
Okay sooo…

Benji is a Maltese, he’s 9 weeks old and he has brown ears? Like a Shitz, his snout is a bit flat? Like a nub coming out of his own face. lol

14 Replies to “Puppy Love & Favorites”

  1. jeez I can't believe this was in 2011! I remember watching it the minute you uploaded it. this was highschool graduation year. Time flies!!!-😩😩😩

  2. How did you train benji? I just bought a 5 month old yorkie and she literally doesn't listen to me at all and potty training her is the hardest part

  3. What apartment did she live in then??? I think it was the fidm housing but im not sure.

  4. OMG that was the most *adorable* bark I have ever heard <3 He is just the sweetest little puff ball ^_^

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