Qi Gong for Beginners with Lee Holden

The complete Qi Gong for Beginners Routine with Lee Holden as featured on Public Television Stations nationwide. This is a perfect introduction to this gentle, yet powerful, ancient practice.

This beginner program strengthens the entire body by following the natural flow of energy. You’ll learn the five “postures of power,” and enjoy a series of standing meditations that will restore your internal balance. Filmed on the banks of a beautiful canyon stream, this is a delightful way to restore harmony to your body, mind, and spirit.

For a complete preview trailer, please see our video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lNOPxFx6NE

17 Replies to “Qi Gong for Beginners with Lee Holden”

  1. Not going to pay for this when there are other better quality videos about the same topic for free on YouTube.

  2. Hello, any update on whether this will be downloadable by purchasers? Thanks much.

  3. Oh this is frustrating! Purchased for beginners – knowing I could not downdload – thought we could view on line. Couldn't view but confirmed with VISA that the money had gone through on my credit card. Then…kept trying but video kept hanging up. Then – got 4 consecutive minutes and tried to view on full screen…..have now been hung up for in excess of 9 minutes. Not working for me – hope others have better luck.

  4. Thank you for taking the time to try it out and post your comment. We are in the process of updating and revising our channel and reviewing offering downloads for Lee's titles. We will be posting more information in the next few weeks.

  5. Like Pascal, I need to download this as well. If I knew this would not be possible I would have just bought a DVD. Please allow downloads.

  6. Unfortunately, the youtube rental program preview only pulls from the very beginning of the footage. Lee introduces the program in the first few minutes which is why there is no demonstration. This is a full routine consisting of multiple qi gong movements and full demonstrations.

  7. We apologize about the trailer and are working on getting a more representative sample to play! In the meantime, please take a look at the trailer link we've added to the description above which is a complete trailer for Qi Gong for Beginners with Lee Holden. Thanks for your interest!

  8. I was going to check it out and see if I wanted to buy the DVD, but the 28 minute video turned out to be 2 minutes of copyright notices and a snippet of music.

  9. I bought the video but I am still not able to watch if off line…which means I need a WiFi to to my exercises…is it right ? in that case it's a rip off…!

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