Nisha…nk tnye, awk bli drawers utk tudung tu ktne eh??😁
Nishaaa pakai camera apaa?
please do updated duck scarves collectionn
ur the very honest youtuber I ever know… good job👍 I luv it so much..
Where did you get those containers to store your makeup? Dah lama cari yg macam tu!
Indonesia hadir menonton ☺☺
rak pakaian and makeup u beli kat mana nishaa
nisha nampak mcm anak orang kaya sgt
Kak nisha , lagu ni tajuk dia apa
dulu nyampah tgk thumbnail u everywhere for no reason hahahaha tp ada tgk review duck and rasa macam u okay gilaa tak fake. lama2 banyak tengok your youtube videos and paling suka kalau u bebel pasal life. so inspiring! so tak kenal maka tak cinta ❤️
brg tk pkai mcm bju blouse smua tu tknk jual ke ?
you guys know what? thizz is really like the honest girls room!! REALLLY REALLY LOVE YOU NISHA bcs we r same. not so organised, but thats the truth 🤪🤪🤪💕
omg ur open closet is such a thing!!! never wished to have that in the future, so cantik!❤️
Banyak nya baju akak🤩🤩
laa…org PKR ke… 🙊
Nisha…nk tnye, awk bli drawers utk tudung tu ktne eh??😁
Nishaaa pakai camera apaa?
please do updated duck scarves collectionn
ur the very honest youtuber I ever know… good job👍 I luv it so much..
Where did you get those containers to store your makeup? Dah lama cari yg macam tu!
Indonesia hadir menonton ☺☺
rak pakaian and makeup u beli kat mana nishaa
nisha nampak mcm anak orang kaya sgt
Kak nisha , lagu ni tajuk dia apa
dulu nyampah tgk thumbnail u everywhere for no reason hahahaha tp ada tgk review duck and rasa macam u okay gilaa tak fake. lama2 banyak tengok your youtube videos and paling suka kalau u bebel pasal life. so inspiring! so tak kenal maka tak cinta ❤️
brg tk pkai mcm bju blouse smua tu tknk jual ke ?
you guys know what? thizz is really like the honest girls room!! REALLLY REALLY LOVE YOU NISHA bcs we r same. not so organised, but thats the truth 🤪🤪🤪💕
omg ur open closet is such a thing!!! never wished to have that in the future, so cantik!❤️
Nak tanya. Where do got rak yg macam tuuuu