Tasty 101: How To Cook Perfect Chicken Breast Every Time

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30 Replies to “Tasty 101: How To Cook Perfect Chicken Breast Every Time”

  1. I need measurements. Also in the ladt one is it fresh herbs or can use dried rosemary

  2. Please try speaking little slow as you are too fast can't get what you are saying

  3. Dont know why people like chicken breast, ate it everytime, always dry.

  4. you cant just use ANY combination of spices to get a PERFECT chicken recipe

  5. She says to add oil in the marinade in her marinade videos but tell here not to use oil

  6. The first part of the video with the chicken in the sticks, I didnt use the sticks but I chicken in small trays instead with the rest of the marinade seasonings in it, put it in the over for the same 425 degrees for 20mins and my god it was perfect! I didnt have the red peppers but used pepper flanks, it was so delicious with a side of white rice and steamed broccoli

  7. With so much effort you put into the thighs, the chicken breasts would taste amazing too lol tasty u funny

  8. All this chicken is cooked for way, way too long… at best, not necessary, and at worst dry and chewy. 25 minutes in an oven for small skewered pieces? They take 10 to 15 minutes, max, better under a really hot grill to get colour.
    6-10 minutes PER SIDE for a breast? That's a recipe for dry chicken!
    Let the breast come close to room temperature first, then rub both sides with plenty of olive oil, salt, pepper and any other seasonings you like (oregano works well), then sear, upper side down for 3 minutes in a hot pan, not moving it or messing it about. Turn the breasts over to see the golden brown colour, and pop the whole pan into a hot oven for 5 minutes. Remove it, cover the chicken with foil and rest for 5 minutes, the residual heat in the outer layer is still permeating into the centre so it's not quite finished cooking yet. After 5 minutes you can carve, and spoon the resting juices over the carved breasts. Juicy, tender chicken guaranteed, 8 minutes actual cooking time, maximum.

  9. when you make chicken thighs make sure that you deglaze the pan to dissolve all the flavors that are stuck to the pan this is because if you use an alcohol (ethanol in most cases) it will allow all the resting juices and residue to dissolve in it, as you stir the pan the juices with be absorbed back into the chicken and the alcohol will just evaporate as it is highly volatile leaving you off with a flavorsome piece of chicken and a delicious sauce that you can add some chicken stock and tomato sauce ( also tomato puree ) to

  10. Every time I see videos saying chicken takes 5-10 mins to cook I’m always like BS

  11. The person who is doing this video is alexis from tasty (I saw her in chef out of water (tasty))

  12. ummm, how about some more exact measurements please and thank you? lol thanks for the vid.+

  13. I like buying the boneless but skin on chicken breasts bc personally i feel like the skin helps it lock in all the flavor????

  14. I’m Asian, and chicken breast and juicy/flavorful never goes together. In fact, as uncle roger says: “Chicken breast is the worst part of chicken! It’s so… tasteless! You might as well eat cardboard.”

  15. I never have the same marinade I use what comes to my head. It always comes out good if you think about what will come together good.

  16. I was 12 year old and my signature cook was chicken and never use a chiken breast on skewer its gonna dry and its kinda hard to eat and those pan seard chicken looks kinda dry

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