The secret to restaurant-style omelets

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On this week’s “CBS What’s Cooking,” French Culinary Institute student Alison Stravitz demonstrates how to make great omelets at home.

11 Replies to “The secret to restaurant-style omelets”

  1. Thank you so much, your the only cook on the internet, that knis how to make an omelette, thank you !

  2. This is Perfect, and I had a wonderful omelette after learning your tips. Thanks for posting. LOVED it! some of us, don't want brown scorched tasting eggs.

  3. bleah, this looks so terrible, perfect omlette is fluffy and with a lot of color on it, done at high temp for shorter so it doesnt dry too much, but I love the eggy crunchy bits when the egg hits the high heated oil that foam slightly and turn golden brown… that's one of the best features . Guess home cooking will always beat restaurant cooking

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