This High Protein Meal Prep Doesn't Need to be Reheated | Dijon Chicken & Pasta Salad

With summer just around the corner, sometimes it can be nice to eat a cool meal for a refreshing change. This Dijon Chicken and Pasta Salad recipe is meant to be eaten cold. The recipe can be found here:

Nutritional Estimates from MacroFactor.

If you decide to make this, send me a picture on instagram: @themealprepmanual

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23 Replies to “This High Protein Meal Prep Doesn't Need to be Reheated | Dijon Chicken & Pasta Salad”

  1. As a sub for the dressing, just use italian dressing. I've been making a variant of this salad for years and this goes really well. Don't buy the lite dressing, it's just watered down and won't actually do what you want with it.

  2. Hello from New Orleans, where cold summer meals are also welcome! I'm curious–I find drained cans of beans to be ~240-280g. Did you use two cans of kidney beans, or are you referring to the un-drained weights?

  3. Hey Josh I'm gluten intolerant and your recipes have helped me navigate making cheap food that taste great that are gluten free

  4. Hell yeah, looks like a great summer meal. I'm adding this to the rotation. BTW, I was sold as soon as I saw the black olives 😀

  5. And that's why Leon Edwards has the most aesthetic physique in the world.

  6. Looks great! Just started mealprepping, surprisingly calm and not that tidious, when you focus on good foods with nice taste. This will be up next, ty!

  7. Love your videos but they always remind me how inconvenient my onion allergy is

  8. I can't stand reheated chicken (Tastes foul to me) so this could be a game changer

  9. Just a heads up that you left out the Dijon mustard in dressing part of your recipe on your site

  10. I literally was checking your website yesterday to see if you had a pasta salad recipe cause it’s hot af out here now. Perfect timing your meals are amazing

  11. just cooked the breakfast burritos for the 3rd time now, but this looks like another amazing recipe to try out 🙂

  12. Thank you Josh! I didn't know what I wanted to make for meal prep this week but now I know what im gonna make ????

  13. This channel should be an extension of the Babish Culinary Universe. Meal prep and nutrition is a component I think that the BCU needs

  14. Going to make this with some extra but eat it hot because it’s cold here in Australia atm

  15. I lived in Houston Tx for almost 6 years where when you got in the car the temperature was was 120 degrees. I can’t imagine not turning my AC on let alone not turning it on in TX lol

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