If you think about it, what could be more frightful than whizzing through the air at over 500 miles per hour in a big pressurized aluminum tube, 6 miles up, where the air outside is too thin to breathe, and the temperature is lower than -40 F?
Any one of these things is dangerous by itself, and commercial flights include them all at the same time. No wonder thousands of people are afraid of flying. They’re only protected by a thin metal skin! But are planes really that dangerous? The good news is that statistics are on the side of aviation. They prove that airplanes are the safest means of travel.
Other videos you might like:
Pilots Reveal 16 Nuances That Make Your Flight Safe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVYXErxau-U&
That’s Why Airplane Seats Are Almost Always Blue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0esI1IrxCmk&
10 Things You Should Never Wear on a Plane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSFkyRafQ38&
The most dangerous part of your trip 0:39
What are the chances of surviving a plane crash? 1:00
What about traveling by railroad? 2:54
What if an engine breaks down 4:17
Clear air turbulence 6:03
What the International Civil Aviation Organization does 7:27
#planes #aviation #brightside
– Only one airplane crash happens per about every 16 million flights on average, and about 500 people don’t survive in all the crashes that happen in a year.
– In comparison, about 1.5 million people will be in a car crash and not walk away from it each year.
– There’s a myth that there’re no chances of surviving a plane crash, but it has little to do with reality.
– There’ve been 568 airplane accidents in the US between 1983 and 2000. The number of people who didn’t survive was only 5% of all the passengers who were on board.
– Statistics reveal that the number of train crashes is much more frequent than in aviation. It’s just that they don’t cause as many casualties and don’t get as much media coverage.
– If a passenger boards a random flight every day, statistically, it’d take them 21,000 years to get into an aircrash.
– The 2 most common fears that passenger have on board the plane are engine failure and turbulence.
– The truth is that the engines aren’t exactly what keeps the plane going.
– f both engines break down in the air, which almost never happens, inertia won’t allow it to drop straight down.
– When the plane goes through layers of air of different density, it can start vibrating. This is what we know as turbulence.
– Sometimes turbulence can happen when the sky is clear, or there are few high-level clouds. It’s called clear air turbulence.
– Though it can cause discomfort, or even jostle passengers in the most extreme cases, it does no harm to the plane itself.
– The only time strong wind can pose a real danger is during take-off and landing, but in that case, the pilot will just go to a reserve airfield.
The system of aviation is built like an ideal pyramid. The head of this pyramid is the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
– ICAO controls the number of hours all the pilot’s fly in the whole world. Specialists make mathematical calculations to handle the landings of the planes, where the difference could be just 40 seconds between them.
– The ICAO has a strict rule about food for pilots: all the meals for the crew are prepared separately.
– This is done so that the second pilot can replace the first one if he gets food poisoning.
– Pilots can often speak several languages, have excellent computers skills, have great reflexes, and excellent sight.
– They’re constantly in touch with the flight control center, adjusting the autopilot if necessary, and keeping everything under control.
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On a scale of one to ten, how big is your fear of flying? 🙂
"3300 people lose their lifes daily in cars". Ok? So, what should we conclude out of it if there are one thousand times more cars going around? Since, as you said, there are on average 500 deaths per year on planes, it means we have 1,5 deaths per day on average.
If there were as many cars as planes, we would have 3,3 deaths per day in cars. So yes, planes are safer but only about double but never hundreds of times!!!
honestly my fear is malfunction and something wrong in one of the parts of the plane screws
1 in 16 million is a chance i am not willing to take..
There is a higher chance of survival in car crash…. and I hope you know the chances of surviving air crash !
I had turbulence on Philippine Airlines it was shaking up and down it was going from Los Angeles to Manila
If you have the exact same amount of planes as cars, i think you will see a very different a result.
Where did y’all get this 10 years of studies to be a pilot? That’s not even close to being true. You don’t even have to have a special degree to be a pilot
Never been in severe turbulence, although, the turbulence was pretty rough when we flew through mountain ranges on our approach into an airport in Hawaii
Your so dumpster jk sorry jk
Well if a plane stalls, then that’s the only most dangerous crash. There were no survivors in China eastern airlines, lion air, and Ethiopia airlines. No one survived a plane crash from a stall. But there were survivors from an engine failure in other airlines and a plane fire.
Comparing turbulence to a bumpy road really, really helped me on my last fligjt
So for those who know it is safe but are more scared than driving a car, here is how it pretty much goes.
Most of us ride a car almost every day and only ride an airplane on rare occasions. Also, the plane's top speed is many times faster than land vehicles and the fact that surviving a fall thousands of feet in the air is near impossible also play a role, along with news articles showing planes exploding on impact to anything. However, in all 12 months of 2021, only 15 plane crashes happened (I mean commercial business planes, not private or amateur aircraft, which are normally higher) while on a normal day, about 17000 cars end up in some type of crash. We are way too used to riding cars, so while those with aerophobia may be relaxing while riding a car, they are in much more danger of dying than if they were riding a Boeing 747 or other type of plane owned by airline companies.
I learned something similar in a way while doing crafts. I never have used welding tools because of the fear of being burned by a blowtorch accident, but I use a knife daily. One time, I had to go to the ER because of a painful knife accident to get a cut cleaned. Obviously, blowtorches can cause more destruction than blades, but both have something in common- they are capable of killing a person. I was so used to using a knife that I constantly got overconfident, while if I ever did someday get into welding, I'd be scared af. This would probably give me a higher chance of hurting myself as a sculptor than a welder.
It is what we are used to that prevents us from believing in facts, statistics, and other hard to believe truths.
My dad is afraid of turbulence
You know what I'm scared of it's the fact that time goes on I hope our people don't get more dumber and dumber
Paid for by Delta, ExpressJet, Frontier, JetBlue, Atlantic, Continental, Alaska Airlines, US Airways, Southwest……………………But in all seriousness, I would say that since most pilots have a vested interest in landing safely, you will fare better than vehicular travel.
I travelled from ghy to Delhi ones and that 3 hrs is the most scariest 3 hrs of my life
I’m not scared of flying, I’m scared of being trapped on the plane if anything happens. Like if anything happens you can’t just open the door and get out you know? You’re stuck there, out of control.
Thank you i feel safe now..☺️????
-40F = -40C ?? Bright side needs to go back to primary school 0:18
I’ve experienced turbulence where it felt like I was dropping over and over . ( like when you go over a hill when driving). But what is it when the plane tips quickly to the side? Once that happened and it scared me.
Thank you for solving my flight problems I really appreciate it????
I travel a lot. Flight every few days.
Once the plan crashed into the ocean. This was the most scary thing ever. One person who didn't know to swim drawn but everybody else were fine.
I'm going on a plane in February and I am TERRIFIED of planes But I just realized there safer than my car! ????
Lack of knowledge really accounts for the majority of people's fear towards planes. Once you learn that the plane can glide for 50mins without engine it's really way more comfortable. Useful video indeed, now I'm way more relaxed for my tomorrow's flight 🙂
Technically, for public usage, the IATA uses their own airport codes
Watching this before my flight tomorrow ????
Nothing terrifies me like being at the window seat, looking out and seeing the wing wobble like a piece of plastic.