A Guide To Tanning Bed Bulbs And Lamps

Tanning bed lights are utilized in every tan bed or suntan light. When buying brand-new or utilized tanning beds, look at the lights. Being able to quickly carry out the upkeep yourself is essential when you purchase a home bed.

There are distinctions in lights utilized in high and traditional pressure beds. Make sure you are purchasing the best tanning bed lights for your bed.

High Pressure Tanning Bed Bulbs

High pressure beds utilize quartz lights in a range of sizes. In these beds, the lights are situated in the top of the bed, so you tan from above just. The surface area of these beds is much more comfy than a traditional bed.

The most significant advantage of these lights is the time you require to invest in the bed. With a standard bed, it would take at least a month to attain the very same level of color. You just require 2-3 sessions each month to preserve the color, compared with that numerous sessions each week in a standard bed.

Traditional Tanning Bed Lamps

Traditional beds utilize long, tube like lights that look like fluorescent tubes. All locations are tanned at the very same time, without the requirement to alter positions throughout the session.

Traditional beds utilize UVA and UVB rays in differing levels. It’s crucial to identify which type of rays your bed gives off.

Another factor to consider in the type of bed you have at home or in the beauty salon is the tanning bed cream you will utilize. Regardless of the bed you are utilizing, you need to constantly utilize a cream.

Tanning bed lights are utilized in every tan bed or suntan light. Make sure you are purchasing the ideal tanning bed lights for your bed. In these beds, the lights are situated in the top of the bed, so you tan from above just. The surface area of these beds is much more comfy than a traditional bed.

Another factor to consider in the type of bed you have at home or in the beauty salon is the tanning bed cream you will utilize.