1 Dollar Giant French Toast | But Cheaper

This is the biggest, cheapest homemade French toast you’ll ever see.

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Full Recipe: https://www.joshuaweissman.com/post/1-dollar-giant-french-toast-but-cheaper

10 Replies to “1 Dollar Giant French Toast | But Cheaper”

  1. WOW. I love this so much, not just because the bread is homemade, but because you actually soaked it long enough. So many people just "dip" the bread and frankly it tastes like dry bread with egg on the outside, and that is NOT the point of French toast. The moist, custardy inside of yours is what French toast dreams are made of. I WILL me making this!

  2. Hi Joshua! I love your videos. Could you make the famous crack pie (now milk bar pie) from milk bar,but better?😂❤ I love their pie , but it's a bit too sweet for my taste. I wanted to see you make your version of it,

  3. I have an idea where you make a dish for teens to where you can pick up stuff cheaply form a gas station

  4. I'm made French Toast before watching this and now I'm eat French toast while watching this lol

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