Yoga for weight loss isn’t just about working the infamous six pack. Learn this cat/cow variation that will help tone the entire body.
This short sequence can be repeated to build strength in your mindful core and trim belly fat. It will also inspire awareness through the entire body and spine, helping to alleviate back pain and improve overall posture and body awareness. Rest your knees on a blanket or towel if you need to, and take your time!
Repeat this sequence as many times as you like and be sure to rest in between. For more goodies and random thoughts from my yoga brain, visit
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Yoga For Weight Loss – 40 Minute Fat Burning Workout
Yoga For Weight Loss – Total Body Workout
Yoga For Weight Loss – Strengthen & Lengthen
Yoga For Weight Loss – Abs and Arms
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❤️ WELCOME to the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel! Our mission is to connect as many people as possible through high-quality free yoga videos. We welcome all levels, all bodies, all genders, all souls! SUBSCRIBE to the channel and join our global movement! ❤️
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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.
This is why I subscribed to you and love your channel so much! Today I tried a different weight loss yoga routine from another YouTuber and it probably is a great workout but there was a timer and the only encouragement was counting down the seconds and that has never worked for me. I just feel pressured/bad if I can't do it in the allotted time frames. I love how calm, serene, and encouraging you are. You let me know it's okay if I'm not perfect at it and I really appreciate the nice environment you create! I'm definitely sticking here from now on and can't wait to work my way up through your videos. Thanks for being so great!
Oldie but a goodie ????❤
Day 165 (part 1) of the current run. Interesting seeing where Adriene started using this flow – a year or so back it was my personal hell, but I've gotten into it since. Also cracks me up that she suggested shark fin namaste without using that name yet.
Love the gentle reminders to make it a whole body experience.
Boho beautiful Yoga went more advanced Madam
Adriene, do you have any advice to anyone who have a weak wrist? Thanks
Awesome practice. I just randomly chose this practice and realized it released 9 years ago today!! What a great coincidence????Also, how adorable Adriene is on this practice, I always love this haircut on her???? Perfect practice for strengthening core, I will definitely come back to this regularly. Thanks Adriene, namaste????❤
Perfect for a quick morning check! Thank you, as always ????????
Not the first time I do this practice but first time I do focus to follow the suggestions such as spreading the toes and pressing small toes to the ground helped me a lot to let the knees hover without harming the tops of my feet and also gave me a hint of how to do it for downward facing dog. Off course it also greatly depends on core (abs) strenghtening but feet position does help a lot!
Repeating WL videos, Day 7, I am waiting the day I can do these poses without wobbling????, nice little exercise for core????????,Namaste ????
Wow. Getting up from the mat after this felt wonderful!
Great check in thanks a lot
Quick and powerful, now some streching, WL Day 7 Namaste ????
i did a longer routine in the morning and then this in the evening, perfect
So funny, just did this today, not realized you posted this on a Feb. 13! Thank you for all the videos, you have kept me going these past 2 crazy years.
Hiya, if anyone could give me some advice I'd really appreciate it, my wrists were killing me when doing this session, I had to stop the poses not because of my core but because my wrists were aching, do I need to work on wrist strength or am I holding the poses wrong?
you are adorable <3
HI! This is great.
Request: Do you have a yoga video that targeted towards burning fat in the core?
Thank You Adrienne. ❤️????
So cute seeing wee Adriene
Me: Ah it's just an 11 minute video and I'm done. This should be easy.
Me 2 minutes later: ????????
I loved the session but am I wrong or is the Thumbnail (Cat/Cow for the core), in The Trust playlist not really the right one for this video?
Great Session!
Playing catchup…had to paint a house. May 25, 2021.
omg where"S benji??? prebenji?!
Great little ditty ????
Carried out the practice a second time, losing track when I miss a day, it is rather confusing. Enjoyed it just as much, thank you Adriene❤️much love on LOVE day ????????♂️Namaste
This week was my favourite week since I started your calendar January 1. It was awesome, including today's short but worth it practice. Thank you for putting it together!
I am having a lot of time concentrating on anything and this was difficult too but I did it!