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Yeah, insects are scary and make your skin crawl. But there’s always comfort in knowing that you have size on your side. Well, maybe not! ? There are bugs out there that are unstoppable. Not even a car can squish them!
The secret’s in their exoskeleton. That’s when your bones are on the outside of your body. Like a natural built-in armor, it gives them super-strength any comic book superhero would envy! So, here’s the question: what if humans had exoskeletons too? You could lift a thousand times your own weight, jump the distance of a whole football field, survive falling from a plane with no parachute! That and so much more, check it out! ??
Preview photo credit:
BOLOGNA, ITALY – 2 DECEMBER 2010: Stuntman Show with Tir Truck at the Bologna Motor Show. Italy: By Mau47/Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/bologna-italy-2-december-2010-stuntman-1205384209
Texas Ironclad Beetle (Zopheridae, Zopherus nodulosus haldemani): By Alejandro Santillano/The University of Texas at Austin, Public Domain https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0, https://flic.kr/p/GqTDAa
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If you had super strength, what's the first thing you'd do? ????
Short answer: it will never happen
Show king krab
I would want the ant suit
the ironclad can be crushed by burj kalifa
Reminds me of wild kratts
My friend watching me walk my pet pink salmon bird eater spider on a legitimate LEASH
great river otters favoret meals are crocs
What does 24/7 mean
The thumbnail
I would like to be a Leafcutter ant.
So I could possibly Carry an hippo on my back lol ????
If I had to be reborn as a crab???? I would be a spider Crab
You know the earth needs a shark suit
That wod be weird
???????????????? ???????????? ????????
also if our exoskeleton becomes an ant
we would be immune to falling and cracking bones
That Thumbnail Of the human is ever discord Mod
Put all of them together
If a grasshopper your going to be a Kung Fu master
I love grasshoppers they’re fun to try to catch
Ken you Be Funny
This is not true
new animal = tardigrade
ability = completely invincible
4:30 those are turtles, not tortoises.
ants can lift 10x it's botywayt
Hey scorpions are arachnid and have eight legs LOL
Suction cup man:I’m twelve multiverses ahead of you