After School/Nightly Routine: Winter Edition! | xoxosolie

Heyyoo! Thumbs Up 7 Up! Omg I used to love playing that game in elementary school! 🙂 What videos would you guys like to see next?!

This is a magical story by Solie:
So once there was a unicorn who lived in fairyland. She always felt she was an outcast for some reason but she could never figure out why. She had wings and she was magic, “Why don’t I fit in?” she often thought. But the thing was, they didn’t allow shiny things in fairyland so the pretty unicorn (whose name was Lana-marybell) could never see her reflection. But one day she went to a beautiful, majestic dinner theater to see a musical called “The Sound of Pixie Dust.” She didn’t have anyone to go with because everyone her age was on a field trip to peanut-ville and she missed the bus, but then in the corner she saw this handsome young creature sitting alone. “Why this handsome, young creature is no ordinary fairy. He seems to be a dazzling horse, with a cone stuck on his forehead. I wonder if he can see it since it’s between his eyes and his eyes are so far apart that it wouldn’t be possible to see it.”, she thought to herself. So she waddled on up to that creature and sat down and they began to get along really well. Then they both ordered soup, and much to their surprise, when they received their soups, the spoons were no ordinary spoons, THEY WERE SHINY. They both gasped as they saw their appearances and realized that they weren’t fairies, like they’d thought. They realized that they looked like each other and that they must be the same creature so they took out their Fairy-fones and looked up on pixipedia what they were. They learned that they were both UNICORNS and decided to get married and move to unicorn village and live happily ever after together with lots of little unicorn babies. 🙂 If you finished reading this, comment “AND THE UNICORNS LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER!”

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~Age? 15
~Camera? Canon Rebel t3i
~Editor? iMovie ’11 (:
~Are you partnered? Nahh. It’s all too confusing. 🙂 hehe