Buying Eggs: What Matters (And What Doesn’t) | Epicurious

Free-range, cage-free, organic, certified humane: there are plenty of different terms thrown at you while scanning the egg selection at your local market these days. Food scientist Topher McNeil returns to Epicurious to fully explain what each and every claim and certification on an egg carton means, which ones affect the final product, and how. Depending on where your priorities lie, Topher breaks down what matters (and what doesn’t) when deciding which eggs are right for you.

0:00 Introduction
0:31 Outdoor Access
2:54 Organic
3:44 Certified Humane
4:39 Conventional
5:31 What Hens Eat
8:37 Grade, Color, and Size
10:34 ‘Best By’ Date

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13 Replies to “Buying Eggs: What Matters (And What Doesn’t) | Epicurious”

  1. I like how the sizing scale is normal until large. What's bigger than large Timmy?

    Extra large? no! JUMBO

  2. Size might matter when it comes to baking, depending on how many ounces of egg a recipe needs versus how much the egg actually has.

    Or, more generally, how much any one person can eat in one setting.

  3. So basically everything we see is marketing buzzwords and you are better off just buying the cheapest eggs possible. Anything more and you simply throwing money into your ideology.

  4. Hens, which lay brown eggs, on average tend to lay less eggs over the year. The number of eggs is not truly significant. It comes down to the breed. In the US, over the last few decades, preference had been for white eggs so white chicken breeds had undergone more intense breeding programs to develop a chicken that lays more eggs. Brown chicken breeding has not quite caught up. And then of course you have your Silkies, which are unique birds in a variety of colors producing fewer and smaller white to cream colored eggs.

  5. Mr Brian Nelson is the best recommending him to all beginners who wants to recover losses like i did!

  6. Interesting video. Didn't know that washing an egg can reduce it's shelf life.

  7. Natural means from nature. If goat piss made your ice cream taste better, big dairy would add it and call it 'natural flavoring'.

  8. Buy the most expensive eggs you can afford – by the most expensive chicken you can afford.
    When it comes to steak and eggs, go to your local farm and get them fresh and amazing eggs 🙂
    We should all do what we can do at the times we can do it.

  9. I WISH pasture-raised eggs here in New York cost $6.49 a dozen. I consider that to be a sale, I've seen some pasture-raised eggs cost $8-$9 regular price! At the very least, I go for organic. Pasture-raised also aren't as readily available as organic.

  10. Imagine washing eggs, knowing it lowers their life span and quality…. defuc is wrong with some peopel 😛 GOD FORBID you find a stray feather on your egg 😛

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