Cake Decoration- Creating a Design part6

In this “mouthwatering” video, expert cake decorator, Jerry Manderfield, teaches you the fun and creative aspects of bakery airbrushing. You’ll learn about the airbrush, compressor and accessories you need for airbrushing, Jerry will demonstrate several basic airbrushing skills including spraying dots, lines, borders, tinting and blending colors. Jerry shows the proper way of airbrushing with stencils, freehand lettering and the production spraying of multiple products, as well as accenting flowers and creating a design on a full sheet cake.

10 Replies to “Cake Decoration- Creating a Design part6”

  1. Please up date the dvd Please. The main reason is this airbrush equipment has come a long way since Jesus was born. Just saying.

  2. Go to the Manderfield's Bakery website. He is an AMAZING artist. Not at all a beginner. I'm talking at minimum 35 years experience. Remember, he is working on cardboard in this video, and instructing beginners so he is not going to perform a masterpiece in 6 minutes. This man is my uncle, and he is brilliant. There is a damn waiting list to get a cake designed by him.

  3. This person is trying his best but he is barely above beginner in his ability to use an airbrush. He doesn't seem to understand how to use the dual action properly. At the end of the video he says it takes practice and frankly he needs to practice a lot.

  4. what type of air brush system do you use. I'm looking for one but there are so many out there.

  5. This is awesome!!! Keep up the good work Jerry! If you want and if you're a member of cake central dawt com you can access my pics of some of my painted cakes, user name is chaptlps.
    Thanks for bringing these videos to us.

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