White Gold Vs Platinum Engagement Rings Made Simple

White Gold Vs Platinum Engagement Rings Made Simple

Visit http://www.qreport.com.au to find out how to insure your engagement ring.

It’s impossible to tell the difference between white gold and platinum rings on first impression. So what’s the difference, and which one should you choose when buying an engagement ring?

How To Shuffle: Basics

How To Shuffle: Basics

This is the first video in a small series of tutorials I’m going to make. Other tutorials will teach you how to: Melbourne Shuffle, Charleston, Spongebob, Konijnendans and a couple more! So subscribe if you want to see these when they come out.

I’m sorry for the quality, I hope this will be enough for you to understand the basics. I want you to learn this because it is the base of the more advanced tutorials I’m going to make.

Traci Cornelius's Stampin Up Tecnique Class – April – One Sheet Wonder Mini Album

Traci Cornelius's Stampin Up Tecnique Class – April – One Sheet Wonder Mini Album

Traci Cornelius Shows you how to make this One Sheet Wonder mini album as part of her Stampin Up Technique Class in April

••• UPDATE ••• I still craft and as I am now a Mum to five girls life has taken a different direction to see more of our family life you can check out our other youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKtcsKEq5htyOcYSt6tXXcA
📓 Notebooks for adults and children https://www.amazon.co.uk/Peaches-Press/e/B09NJQCY4Q
📔 Planners and Notebooks


🌍 My website / blog – https://www.cornelius-fordfamily.com
🌍 My website – https://www.essentialhealthyhappyyou.com
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📸 Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/essentialhealthyhappyyou
👩‍💻 Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/EssentialHealthyHappyYou
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Traci ~ Mum, an entrepreneur, youtuber, blogger, limitless life seeker
Mark ~ Dad, Inventory Lead for the NHS, Corporal in the Royal Wessex Yeomanry, Carpenter
Kiesha ~ Daughter #1 age 24 flown the nest and creating her own adventures
Nevaeh ~ Daughter #2 age 10
Grace ~ Daughter #3 age 9
Alina ~ Daughter #4 age 7
Soraya ~ Daughter #5 age 6
We are passionate about living a limitless life, sharing the journey and helping others achieve their version of a limitless life.

허리통증 최고의 운동 best3

허리통증 최고의 운동 best3

여러분 허리통증 없애려면 이것 3가지만 딱 기억 하시면 됩니다. 그것은 바로…
여러분 안녕하세요 알아두면 쓸데있는 물리치료 이야기 알쓸물치 입니다.
오늘은 지난번 허리통증 최악의 운동 top3에 이이서 허리통증에 좋은 최고의 운동 best3를 준비 했습니다.
혹시 지난 영상의 내용이 궁금 하신 분들은 여기를 눌러서 시청해 주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다.
결론부터 말씀 드리면 허리가 아프지 않기 위해서는 3가지의 중요한 요소가 있는데요 그것은 바로 코어근육의 강화, 엉덩관절의 유연성 회복, 그리고 마지막으로 등뼈의 유연성 회복 입니다.
미국의 물리치료사 그레이쿡은 우리몸의 모든 관절들은 각각 고유한 역할을 가지는데 허리뼈는 안정성 그러니까 단단하게 잡아주는 역할을 해야 한다고 했습니다.
그리고 이 역할을 잘 하기 위해서는 허리뼈 위와 아래에 있는 등뼈와 엉덩관절이 유연하게 잘 움직여 주어야 한다고 합니다.
그리고 워싱턴 대학교 물리치료학과 샬만 교수는 적절한 몸통근육의 조절과 엉덩관절의 유연성이 달성되면 대부분의 허리통증은 회복된다고 하였습니다.
여기서 적절한 몸통근육의 조절은 허리뼈를 앞뒤로 감싸고 단단하게 잡아주는 역할을 하는 코어근육 들을 말하구요 역시 엉덩관절의 유연성을 회복하는게 중요하다고 했습니다.
또한 현대인들은 앉아서 많은것들을 하기 때문에 등뼈의 유연성도 아주 중요 하다고 할 수 있죠
자 그럼 지금부터 알쓸물치가 뽑은 최고의 허리통증 회복운동을 알려드리도록 하겠습니다.
첫번째 운동은 수건을 이용한 데드버그 운동 입니다.
이 운동은 허리뼈를 최대한 보호 하면서 앞쪽 코어근육인 복부근육을 강화시키는 방법 입니다.
우선 얇은 수건을 한장 허리 아래에 깔고 누워 줍니다. 그리고 엉덩관절 90도 무릎 90도로 굽혀 줍니다.
그리고 누가 내 배를 강하게 때린다는 상상을 하시면 복부에 힘이 강하게 들어 갑니다.
이렇게 배에 힘을 준 상태에서 수건을 바깥쪽으로 당기면서 한쪽 다리씩 천천히 바닥으로 내리고 다시 원위치로 돌아 옵니다.
반대쪽 다리도 마찬가지로 해 주시면 됩니다.
이때 수건이 절대로 허리에서 빠지지 않도록 복부의 긴장감을 유지해 줍니다.
이 동작을 10회정도만 반복해 주세요
두번째 운동은 힙힌지 운동입니다.
이운동은 뒤쪽 코어근육인 허리뼈 폄 근육들을 강화시키면서 동시에 엉덩관절의 굽힘 유연성을 증가시켜 줄 수 있는 아주 좋은 운동 입니다.
이 운동을 하기 위해서는 준비물이 하나 필요 한데요 잠시 영상 멈추시고 집에 있는 이런 장우산 하나 준비해 주세요 없으시면 밀대 자루도 좋고 빗자루도 좋고 길쭉한 물건 하나 준비해 주세요.
우선을 뒤통수 부터 꼬리뼈 까지 밀착시켜 주시고 위아래를 손으로 잡아 줍니다.
이 상태에서 무릎을 살짝 굽히고 몸통을 앞으로 숙여 주시면 됩니다.
앞으로 숙일 때 우산이 몸에서 떨어지거나 몸통이 돌아가지 않도록 주의해야 합니다.
약 50도 정도까지 숙여 주시면 되고 10초 유지 5세트 정도 실시해 줍니다.
세번째 운동은 프레첼 운동입니다.
이 운동은 엉덩관절과 등뼈의 유연성을 동시에 회복 시키는 아주 좋은 운동입니다.
옆으로 누운 자세에서 위쪽 다리를 굽혀서 배게 위에 올려 주시고 아래쪽 손으로 위쪽 무릎을 잡아 줍니다.
그리고 위쪽 손으로 아래쪽 발목을 잡고 뒤로 당겨 줍니다.
이상태에서 천천히 몸통을 돌려 줍니다. 돌릴 수 있는 만큼 돌린 상태에서 깊은 호흡을 해 주시고 내 쉬는 숨에 조금더 돌려 줍니다. 이 동작을 3회 정도 반복해 줍니다. 반대쪽도 같은 방법으로 해주시면 됩니다.
몸통을 돌릴 때 허리가 아닌 등뼈가 돌아가야 하기 때문에 위쪽 어깨가 땅에 가까워 진다는 느낌으로 해 주시면 좀더 쉽게 할 수 있습니다.
오늘은 허리통증에 좋은 최고의 운동 베스트3를 알아 보았습니다.
오늘 준비한 내용은 여기까지 구요 영상이 도움이 되셨다면 구독과 좋아요 알람설정 부탁 해요

Так рис по-арабски мало кто готовит! Вкуснотища неописуемая!🔥

Так рис по-арабски мало кто готовит! Вкуснотища неописуемая!🔥

Сказать, что это вкусно- это мало сказать! Это очень вкусно! Хоть раз попробуйте 👌

📝 Рецепт
Баклажаны 7-8 шт
Рис 300 гр
Лук крупный 1 шт
Сладкий перец 2 шт
Чеснок 2-3 зубчика
Кипяток или горячий бульон 400-500 мл
Соль, перец по вкусу

Для заправки:
Растительное масло 4-6 ст.л
Соль 1 ч.л
Черный перец 0,5 ч.л

Silent Killer

Silent Killer

“Silent Killer” is Program One of Remaking American Medicine…Health Care for the 21st Century, a four-part television series fo PBS.

“Silent Killer” profiles individuals who are committed to fixing a health care system that is estimated to kill up to 98,000 people a year.

making stone furniture (with concrete)

making stone furniture (with concrete)

Thank you Lomi for sponsoring this video! For the first time ever, Lomi can be purchased without a wait! Visit the link for more info: https://links.pela.earth/sorrygirls

Subscribe for more DIY’s!: http://bit.ly/subthesorrygirls

Watch Rachael as she takes on the slightly daunting but TOTALLY doable task of DIYing stone furniture out of concrete!

Here is a list of items used:

ikea vago chair- https://bit.ly/3OuJtkq
white portland cement- https://bit.ly/3OsAQqv
white marble rocks- https://bit.ly/3bbPsMt
rebar- https://bit.ly/3tRlHXW
galvanized metal mesh- https://bit.ly/3bbQhF3
foam brush- https://bit.ly/3QAisxN
gorilla tape- https://bit.ly/3zUgBha
mineral oil- https://bit.ly/3zUwx3h
tarp- https://bit.ly/3QAiXYH

melamine board- https://bit.ly/3QCiUvp
vinyl wall base- https://bit.ly/39Fle42
construction adhesive- https://bit.ly/3y45KPx
finishing paste wax- https://bit.ly/3blxMOJ
silicone caulk- https://bit.ly/3bitAyY
builder’s tube (12 inch diameter)- https://bit.ly/3tShl2I
builder’s tube (8 inch diameter)- https://bit.ly/3bly1t7

00:00 – intro
01:53 – picking up materials
02:39 – making the concrete chair
08:14 – concrete table inspiration
10:19 – making a table mould
12:20 – concrete table making
16:02 – rachael’s thoughts on the results
19:22 – the finished DIYs!


@thesorrygirls everywhere!

KELSEY’S INSTA // https://instagram.com/kelseymarillis/
BECKY’S INSTA // https://instagram.com/beckyylynne/
RACHAEL’S INSTA // https://www.instagram.com/rachaelnyhuus/

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MAIN CAMERA // http://bit.ly/2RpDz73
MEMORY CARD // http://bit.ly/2RnUoz1
FILMING LENS // 24-105mm – http://bit.ly/2RqyueC
CAMERA + LENS ADAPTER // http://bit.ly/2Q2SUxz
PHOTOGRAPHY CAMERA // http://bit.ly/2RqQ81I
PHOTOGRAPHY LENS // 35mm – http://bit.ly/2Rs7wmQ
ON-CAMERA MIC // http://bit.ly/2Q3nSG3
AUDIO RECORDER // http://bit.ly/2RpaHf6
LAV MICS // http://bit.ly/2Q4q7ZI x2


Edited by: Nick Liske & Justin Abalos


Please note that we are not professionals and that all projects seen on our channel must be completed at your own risk. We do not take responsibility for any harm or injury that may occur. Be safe!

MUST HAVE GADGETS AND GENIUS PARENTING HACKS || Helpful Toys for Parents! Best DIY Ideas by 123 GO!

MUST HAVE GADGETS AND GENIUS PARENTING HACKS || Helpful Toys for Parents! Best DIY Ideas by 123 GO!

Testing gadgets is hard work, but someone has to do it. Who are we kidding, we love it.

Don’t forget to share this video with your friends and remember to subscribe to our channel for more fun videos just like this one.

#123go #gadgets #parenting
▶️ TheSoul Music:
◉ Our Spotify: https://sptfy.com/TheSoulMusic
◉ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thesoul.music
◉ YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCPo7CKRiDGn4h-H0RK5JdfA

Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Stock materials: https://www.depositphotos.com https://www.shutterstock.com

This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information on this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer’s responsibility to use judgment, care and precautions if one plans to replicate.

The following video might feature activity performed by our actors within controlled environment – please use judgment, care, and precaution if you plan to replicate.

All product and company names shown in the video are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.

We Got Beat Up!!! Might Have To Quit Youtube?!

We Got Beat Up!!! Might Have To Quit Youtube?!

This was one of my biggest fears ever!!! Both of us getting hurt at the same exact time and not being able to work. Thank God that I am able to still do some stuff after my accident, but unfortunately for elezar, he will be out for a couple of days. But dont worry guys! We will be back and better!!! Thanks For Watching!!!

-Amazon Dang Sauce: https://www.amazon.com/Goonzquads-Dang-Sauce-Chipotle-Lime/dp/B09SZNXD43
-DANG SUACE: https://hoffandpepper.com/pages/gz

-GOONZQUAD NEW MERCH!!(Very Limited): https://goonzquad.com

-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goonzquad/

-Email: goonzquadteam@gmail.com

-P.O. Box 37
Rossville,GA 30741

Les effets secondaires de la pilule – Gynécologie

Les effets secondaires de la pilule – Gynécologie

Quels effets secondaires peut-on ressentir quand on commence à prendre une pilule ? Si on fume, peut-on quand même prendre la pilule ? Y-a-t-il des liens entre pilule et cancer ? Les réponses du Dr Odile Bagot, gynécologue.

Votre contraception est-elle à risque ? http://www.doctissimo.fr/asp/pilules/pilules.htm
Forum Contraception http://forum.doctissimo.fr/sante/contraception/liste_sujet-1.htm


Dr Odile Bagot, gynécologue alias Mam Gynéco (https://mamgyneco.wordpress.com/)

Dico des nanas (Hachette Pratique) http://bit.ly/2cVZfos

Production : LED

Copyright : ©DOCTISSIMO 2016

Four Years in Blue: The University of Michigan Medical School Documentary

Four Years in Blue: The University of Michigan Medical School Documentary

One medical school. Four years. Fifteen stories. In 2016, the University of Michigan Medical School welcomed 172 new doctors-in-training. Out of this group, 15 students agreed to be followed throughout all four years of their medical training, documenting key milestones in their journeys from the first months on campus until just days before graduation for most of them. In this short film, they tell their stories in their own words with glimpses into the reality of med school life as they lived it.


To learn more about the University of Michigan Medical School, visit: https://medicine.umich.edu/medschool/home


Subscribe to Michigan Medicine’s YouTube channel for upcoming videos and future live streams featuring our experts answering your questions.

Follow the University of Michigan Medical School on Social:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/UMichMedAdmiss
Instagram: http://instagram.com/umichmedschool
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UniversityofMichiganMedicalSchool/

Follow Michigan Medicine on Social:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/umichmedicine
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umichmedicine/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichiganMedicine/

#UniversityofMichigan #MedSchool #MedStudent #Doctors #Wolverines #GoBlue #HAIL #Documentary

RICHTIGER SOMMERSCHNITT: So schneide ich Obstbäume im Sommer | Hilfreiche Tipps

RICHTIGER SOMMERSCHNITT: So schneide ich Obstbäume im Sommer | Hilfreiche Tipps

► RICHTIGER SOMMERSCHNITT: So schneide ich Obstbäume im Sommer | Hilfreiche Tipps
✔ Abonniere den inFranken.de Kanal für weitere hilfreiche Tipps aus Franken: https://bit.ly/313VZRt

Viele trauen sich nicht, im Sommer ihre Obstbäume zu schneiden, dabei ist es für die Bäume sogar gesünder, als im Winter. Mit der richtigen Technik geht es noch dazu sehr einfach und schnell. Unser Gartenexperte Jupp Schröder zeigt Euch im Video, wie der Sommerschnitt geht.

► Mehr zum Thema: https://www.infranken.de/ratgeber/garten/gartenpflege/sommerschnitt-bei-baeumen-darauf-sollte-man-achten-art-3563542

► Nützliche Tipps und Ratgeber für deinen Alltag – inFranken.de zeigt dir Dinge, die deinen Alltag leichter machen, die du unbedingt wissen musst oder Sachen, die du besser nicht mehr tun solltest. ► ABONNIERE den inFranken.de YouTube-Kanal für wichtige Ratgeber- und Lifehack-Videos ► https://bit.ly/313VZRt

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Lehsuni paneer | होटल जैसा लहसुनि पनीर घर पर | Lehsuni Paneer Tikka bonus recipe | Chef Ranveer Brar

Lehsuni paneer | होटल जैसा लहसुनि पनीर घर पर | Lehsuni Paneer Tikka bonus recipe | Chef Ranveer Brar

LEHSUNI PANEER OR LASOONI PANEER is one of the most commonly ordered dishes in restaurants. As the name suggests, Lehsun or garlic is the main star of the gravy. Here’s my recipe for Lahsuni paneer..

🍽️𝗔𝗠𝗔𝗭🥘𝗡 𝗦𝗛🍳𝗣 🍽️
RB Store – https://www.amazon.in/shop/chefranveer
Kitchen Appliances – https://bit.ly/KitchenAppliancesIUse
Knives I use – https://amzn.to/36VdxoF

𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝘁𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 – https://change.org/GITagforBandelCheese

⏩𝓢𝓾𝓫𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓫𝓮 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮: https://goo.gl/UE2pmL

𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼𝗼:
Paneer Kali Mirch Pasanda – https://youtu.be/8Ucb3Q1ovMw
Shahi Kaju Paneer Masala – https://youtu.be/r6IueaKD7co
Paneer Tikka Masala – https://youtu.be/kZxmErE7V2E

For more fantastic recipes, check out the Ranveer Brar App 📲
📲𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐝 – http://bit.ly/RBAppAndroid
📲𝗶𝗢𝗦 – http://bit.ly/RBAppiOS

Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 25-30 minutes
Serve 2

For Gravy
2 tbsp Ghee, घी
1 tbsp Oil, तेल
½ inch Cinnamon stick, दालचीनी
2 Bay leaf, तेज पत्ता
½ tsp Cumin seeds, जीरा
½ inch Ginger, peeled, slice, अदरक
7-8 Garlic cloves, लहसुन
3 medium size Onions, slice, प्याज
1 small Tomato, roughly chopped, टमाटर
½ tsp Turmeric powder, हल्दी पाउडर
¼ tsp Degi red chili powder, देगी लाल मिर्च पाउडर
1 tsp Coriander powder, धनिया पाउडर
⅓ cup Curd, beaten, दही
Salt to taste, नमक स्वादअनुसार
10-11 Cashewnut, काजू
¼ cup Water, पानी
2 Garlic cloves, लहसुन

For Finishing Gravy
Fried Paneer Oil, तले हुए पनीर का तेल
2-3 cups Water, पानी
Salt to taste, नमक स्वादअनुसार
1 tbsp fresh Mint leaves, roughly torn, पुदीने के पत्ते

For Paneer Marination
350 gms Paneer, cut into, पनीर
Salt to taste, नमक स्वादअनुसार
½ tsp Dry fenugreek leaves, crushed, कसूरी मेथी
½ tsp Degi red chili powder, देगी लाल मिर्च पाउडर
1 ½ tsp Oil, तेल (for marination)
1 ½ tbsp Oil, तेल (for frying)

For Tossed Garlic
2 tbsp Oil, तेल
3-4 Garlic cloves, slice, लहसुन

For Garnish
Mint sprig, पुदीना पत्ता

For Gravy
In a shallow sauce pot, add ghee, oil once it’s hot, add cinnamon stick, bay leaf, cumin seeds and let it splutter well.
Add ginger, garlic and saute it well. Add onion and saute it until translucent then add tomato and saute it well.
Now, add turmeric powder, degi red chili powder, coriander powder and saute it well.
Add beaten curd and saute on moderate heat, add salt to taste and mix it well.
Now, add cashew nuts and saute it well.
Add water and crushed garlic cloves and mix it well and cook for a while.
Once gravy gets cooked perfectly then switch off the flame and prepare gravy transfer into the bowl for resting.
Once the mixture cools down to room temperature, transfer it into a mixer grinder and make smooth paste.
Keep it aside for further use.

For Paneer Marination
In a bowl, add paneer, salt to taste, dry fenugreek leaves, degi red chili powder, oil and marinate well.
Keep it aside for further use.

For Frying
In a pan add oil, once it gets hot, place the marinated paneer cubes and fry until crisp.
Keep it aside for further use.

For Finishing Gravy
Add fried paneer oil into a gravy bowl and mix it well.
Add prepared gravy into sauce pot and let cook for a while
Now add water and cook for 7-8 minutes, and add salt to taste, mint leaves and mix it well.
Once gravy gets cooked properly. Serve on a serving plate.
Place fried paneer into gravy and garnish prepared tossed garlic and mint sprig.
Serve hot.

For tossed Garlic
In a small pan, add oil once it gets hot, add sliced garlic cloves and fry until golden brown in color.
Keep it aside for further use.

For more fantastic recipes, check out the Ranveer Brar App:
📲𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐝 – http://bit.ly/RBAppAndroid
📲𝗶𝗢𝗦 – http://bit.ly/RBAppiOS

Music Source : artlist.io
Unlimited License Number – 133759
License Owner : Ranveer Brar

🌎 Follow Ranveer Brar here too:
➡️ https://www.ranveerbrar.com
➡️ https://www.facebook.com/RanveerBrar/
➡️ https://www.instagram.com/ranveer.brar/
➡️ https://twitter.com/ranveerbrar

#LasooniPaneer #Paneerrecipes #ranveerbrar
#lehsunipaneer #lasoonipaneertikka #lehsunipaneergravy #garlicpaneer #lasoonipaneermasala #paneertikkarecipe #lasoonipalakranveerbrar #lasoonipaneerrecipe #paneermasala

Get Ready With Me: High School (freshman) | okaysage

Get Ready With Me: High School (freshman) | okaysage


instagram: @gtfosage
twitter: @gtfosage

facts about me:

+ i’m 14
+ i live in california
+ i film with my ipod 5

byeee!!! 🙂


extra tags for video/channel (ignore):

get ready with me, makeup, grwm, school makeup, grwm highschool, highschool makeup, tumblr, tumblr makeup, beauty guru, maddi bragg, acacia brinley, tumblr girl makeup, morning routine, makeup routine.

Money Saving Tips | 8 Money Hacks That Saves Us Thousands

Money Saving Tips | 8 Money Hacks That Saves Us Thousands

We share 8 money-saving hacks that have saved us 1000s!

💥The free ebook has now expired. However, The Master Your Money Super Bundle (resources from bloggers and financial gurus) is now live and it’s 97% off for only 6 days ( through Monday, April 1st)! Go here to check it out: http://bit.ly/2W1aC2T

Tv Atenna – https://amzn.to/2udWWpA
Fire Tv Stick- https://amzn.to/2HFgMCe

❤️ Don’t Forget To Subscribe!
📗 Purchase Our Book – Money Talks: The Ultimate Couples Guide to Communicating about Money – http://amzn.to/1IOjDPT
💻 Enroll In Our Online Course “Crush My Mortgage” – http://bit.ly/2udwzQi
🎙️ Speaking/Booking: Want to bring Talaat & Tai out to speak at your church or your event? Email – Bookings@HisandHerMoney.com
►Instagram: http://instagram.com/hisandhermoney
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hisandhermoney
►Twitter: https://twitter.com/HisandHerMoney
►Podcast (iTunes): https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-his-her-money-podcast/id932630328

Disclosure: Links contain affiliates. When you buy through one of our links we will receive a commission. This is at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting His and Her Money and allowing us to continue to bring you valuable content.

#HisandHerMoney #MoneySavingTips

매일 딱”50초”만 해보세요(2편) 허리통증과 다리저림이 거짓말 처럼 편해 집니다. | 허리 안정화 사이드 브릿지

매일 딱”50초”만 해보세요(2편) 허리통증과 다리저림이 거짓말 처럼 편해 집니다. | 허리 안정화 사이드 브릿지

핵심만 콕콕 초간단 건강정보 1분 튼튼재활 시작합니다.

지난 영상에서 허리가 아프지 않기 위해서는 엉덩관절이 잘 움직여 주어야 하고 특히 중둔근의 기능이 매우 중요 하다고 말씀 드렸고 간단한 방법으로 중둔근을 강화하는 방법을 알아 보았습니다.
오늘은 중둔근을 강화 하면서 동시에 허리뼈 안정화 까지 할 수 있는 아주 쉽고 효과적인 운동방법을 알려 드리도록 하겠습니다.
정말 쉽고 간단하지만 효과는 매우 좋은 운동이니까 따라해 보시면 허리통증이 거짓말 처럼 좋아 질 수 있습니다.

그 운동은 바로사이드 브릿지 입니다.

무릎은 굽히고 팔꿈치로 땅을 지지하고 옆으로 누워 줍니다
엉덩이를 앞으로 밀면서 들어 올려 줍니다
이 때 팔꿈치가 어깨보다 위에 있으면 어깨통증이 유발될수 있으니 주의해 주셔야 합니다.
이동작을 10초 유지 5세트 정도만 좌우 각각 실시해 주세요

이 동작이 너무 힘들거나 어깨 통증 때문에 하기가 힘드신 분들은 이렇게 팔꿈치로 벽을 지지하고 기대 주는 것만으로도 비슷한 효과를 보실 수 있습니다.

오늘은 간단한 동작으로 엉덩관절과 허리뼈를 강화시켜 주는 운동을 알아 보았습니다.
오늘 준비한 내용은 여기까지 구요 영상이 도움이 되셨다면 구독과 좋아요 알림설정 부탁 드릴께요

그럼 저는 다음에 더 좋은 영상으로 돌아 오도록 하겠습니다

전 국민이 건강해 지는 그날 까지 알쓸물치는 계속 됩니다.
그럼 모두 안녕히 계세요~~

Inserting Shadowcat Sclera Lenses | Black Friday

Inserting Shadowcat Sclera Lenses | Black Friday

** Shadowcat Sclera Lenses: http://bit.ly/2s7cmsw
** UNIQSO Home: http://bit.ly/2rdlU6e
☥ Become a Belfry Bat ❥ http://bit.ly/1v9fZZN
☥ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itisblackfriday
☥ Instagram: http://instagram.com/itsblackfriday
☥ Snapchat: Grand-Grimoire
☥ Sponsor my videos: http://www.patreon.com/blackfriday
☥ Tumblr: http://itsblackfriday.tumblr.com
☥ Vampire Freaks: http://www.vampirefreaks.com/BlackFriday
☥ Twitter: http://twitter.com/ItsBlack_Friday
☥ My Website: http://www.itsblackfriday.com
☥ Amazon Wishlist: http://amzn.to/231HFAm

** Shadowcat Sclera Lenses: http://bit.ly/2s7cmsw
** UNIQSO Home: http://bit.ly/2rdlU6e

☥ Music:
~ Disjecta Membra – Third Song
~ Disjecta Membra – Cauldron of Cerridwyn
~ Disjecta Membra – Cathedral (Deus ex Machina Mix)

☥ Equipment I Use:
~ Main camera: http://amzn.to/2beVtDw
~ Underwater camera: http://amzn.to/2biIenw
~ V/O Microphone: http://amzn.to/2hSdNdA
~ Tripod: http://amzn.to/2beVXtc
~ Flexible tripod: http://amzn.to/2beVjfp

This video was not sponsored, all opinions expressed herein are genuine and my own 🙂

الترهلات و العناية بالبشره واللف التنحيفي – الجزء الثاني

الترهلات و العناية بالبشره واللف التنحيفي – الجزء الثاني

لمشاهدة الجزء الاول عن السيليوليت وخطوط التمدد و الدوالى
الفيديو الثاني عن الترهلات والجلد الزائد أسباب ظهور هذه المشكلة و كيفية التخلص منها وايضا بعض النصائح للعنايه بالبشره و الاهتمام بها والحفاظ عليها
انا لست طبيبه او اخصائيه ولكن هذه معلومات
بناءا على بعض الأبحاث والمقالات
التي وجدتها مفيدة و تجربتي الشخصيه

ملاحظة الفيديو يحتوي على صور و فيديوهات
قد يجد البعض أنها غير مناسبة
وهذا للمحتوى التعليمي فقط
اسباب ظهور الترهلات
نزول الوزن الزائد بسرعه بطريقه غير صحيه
نزول الوزن بدون رياضه
حجم الوزن الذي تم التخلص منه
اسلوب حياه غير صحي
الوقايه و العلاج
نزول الوزن بشكل صحي
ممارسة الرياضة خصوصا تمارين مقاومه او بناء عضل
العنايه بالبشره
تناول اطعمه تحتوي على فيتامين E-C
استخدام كريم مرطب
استخدام الفرشه الجافه
الاكل الصحي
شرب الماء
الابتعاد عن التوتر والتدخين
النوم الكافي

BUSINESS ONLY EMAIL: nadags3@gmail.com

Note: this email is for business only. i won’t reply to any other emails except business inquiries
» تابعوني على
INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/nadahmdy

FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/fitnessboogirls
زوروا صفحة الفيس بوك لمزيد من النصائح الصحية و إجابة أسئلتكم ⇧

اعملولي اضافه على ماي فتنس بال ⬅ nadags3
لا تنسوا ان تدعموني و اشتركوا بالقناة لمزيد من المعلومات الصحية ♡♡
الرجاء عدم اضافتي في قائمة الاصدقاء على الفيس بوك او ارسال رساله على الحساب الخاص
لانه حساب خاص بالعائلة والأصدقاء فقط
هاي يا حلوين…انا ندى وانا من مصر بس عايشة في استراليا. انا بحب الرياضه و الفتنس جدا و حبيت اعمل القناه ده علشان اشجعكم معايا ونوصل كلنا لهدفنا وخصوصا كنت عايزه اشجع البنات انهم ميخافوش انهم يشيلوا أثقال و ازاي تقسم جسمك و تقويه و تخسري وزن .
فا هشارك معاكم تمارين ووصفات صحية و مواضيع و ادردش معاكم
Hi Girls!
my name is Nada, I have a huge passion for fitness and living a healthy lifestyle😋.That is why i made this channel specially for women, to encourage them to reach to their goal body and not to be afraid from lifting weights. that is why i will provide tips, workouts and healthy recipes 💜.

How to Take Your Blood Pressure at Home

How to Take Your Blood Pressure at Home

High blood pressure, medically known as hypertension, can be caused by weight gain, alcohol and salt intake, older age and/or a family history. According to the CDC, about 75 million American adults have high blood pressure. Referred to as the “silent killer”, it’s not a reading that should be taken lightly. In this step-by-step video tutorial, follow expert advice to ensure you’re getting the most accurate blood pressure reading.

For more tips and details on how to take your blood pressure properly at home, visit: http://michmed.org/lA58B


Subscribe to Michigan Medicine’s YouTube channel for upcoming videos and future live streams featuring our experts answering your questions.


Follow Michigan Medicine on Social:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/umichmedicine
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umichmedicine/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichiganMedicine/

Follow the U-M Frankel Cardiovascular Center on Social:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/umichcvc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UniversityofMichiganCardiovascularCenter/

#BloodPressure #HealthTips #HeartHealth #MichiganMedicine #BP #HeartMonth #Hypertention #Cardiovascular #Cardiology #Tutorial #Systolic #Diastolic

Cliché Mom Sayings | #MOMTRUTHS

Cliché Mom Sayings | #MOMTRUTHS

Justin Bieber, Starbucks and Cliché Mom Sayings!

Subscribe Here: http://bit.ly/1MgVHuk
For more MomTruths: http://bit.ly/1S9jpdr

Website: socialcommon.ca
Facebook: facebook.com/SocialCommon
Twitter: twitter.com/thesocialcommon
Instagram: instagram.com/socialcommon

Hi, guys! We’re Catherine Belknap and Natalie Telfer. Together we parent seven children under the age of six, manage two husbands, and run Social Common. After hosting events and partnering with some amazing brands, we have unlocked the social media world of moms! We are ready to take it to the next level via our YouTube channel. Social Common is an online community that allows for women to come together to discuss, share, and learn about parenting and the journey of motherhood.

#catandnat #momtruths #realmom #momlife

Asthma how-to: How to use an inhaler with a spacer and mouthpiece

Asthma how-to: How to use an inhaler with a spacer and mouthpiece

There are many asthma treatment options depending on your child’s age and preference.

Metered dose inhalers, which are commonly called puffers or inhalers, spray the medicine out so that you can breathe it deep into the lungs. Inhalers deliver medicine very quickly.

Inhalers are compact and light so they can be easily taken with you wherever you go. It’s very important to use your inhaler the correct way to make sure the medicine gets deposited into the lungs, where it works the best. Incorrect technique can leave some of the particles from the medicine on your tongue or throat, where it won’t help at all.

A spacer, or holding chamber, is an attachment that should always be used with your inhaler. The spacer holds the medicine in place so you can breathe it in easier.

First, remove the cap from the bottom of your inhaler. When you get your new inhaler from the pharmacy, you need to “prime” or “waste” it by spraying the medicine into the air four times.

Now, fit your inhaler into the opening at the end of the spacer. Shake the inhaler well for ten seconds. Turn your head to the side and breathe out. Close your mouth around the mouthpiece of the spacer.

Push down on the inhaler once. Now the medicine is inside the spacer. Right away, take a slow, deep breath. The goal is to not hear a whistling sound. If you do, this means that you’re breathing in too fast.

Hold your breath for a count of 10. Now, slowly breathe out. Rinse your mouth out with water or brush teeth after using controller medicines such as inhaled steroids.

Many times, the correct dose of your medicine will be to inhale two puffs. If this is what is prescribed for you, then wait one minute after the first puff, and then follow all of the steps again.

Remember if you have questions, call your doctor’s office, asthma care team or pharmacy.

To learn more about the asthma team and treatment options here at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, visit: http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/allergy-asthma?utm_source=youtube%2Ecom&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=Video%2BDescription%2B%2D%2BAsthma%3A%2BHow%2Bto%2Buse%2Ban%2Binhaler%2Bwith%2Bspacer%2Band%2Bmouthpiece&utm_campaign=YouTube



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130% Highlight Straight Wig: http://bit.ly/2GLjOCY
13*4 Lace 150% Straight Wig: http://bit.ly/2Ubl4aF
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13*4 Lace 150% Curly Wig: http://bit.ly/3b1lVkg
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www.beautyforever.com: http://bit.ly/38X5VOb
Aliexpress Beauty Forever Hair Store: http://bit.ly/2OiiJqK
Amazon Beauty Forever hair Store: https://amzn.to/2KSGkyB
YouTube Channel monthly giveaway: http://bit.ly/2RMhn9x
Instagram@beautyforeverhair: http://bit.ly/2qu9pqI

Follow @TropicTouches on Instagram 🌴🧡🤞🏾

Don’t forget to follow my social media accounts:
📸 New instagram – mamiistropic
👻Snapchat – gizelle_lewis23
🐤Twitter- TR0PICma (that’s a zero lol)

⚠️⚠️ ↴
All inquiries contact
Email: ZelLewis@outlook.com

DISCLAIMER ** I don’t own the rights to these songs**

Q&A: studying abroad, dating, UGA, tanacon

Q&A: studying abroad, dating, UGA, tanacon

answering some of your questions about my online summer classes, studying abroad, thoughts on tanacon, if i’m dating again, traveling, and more! follow me to be involved in the next q and a: @DANIELLECAROLAN shop my backpack: http://bit.ly/daniellebackpack

shop my merch here: http://bit.ly/danfamcollection

For Business and Promotional Inquiries:


♥Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daniellecarolan/
♥Twitter: https://twitter.com/daniellecarolan
♥Snapchat: themakeupbyd
♥Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1ikGBYv
♥Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daniellemari…
♥Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/daniellecarolan
♥Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/danicarolan/
♥Tumblr: http://daniellecarolan.tumblr.com/

CHRISTMAS WISH LIST: http://bit.ly/1yAOFoi
MEET MY MOM: http://bit.ly/1zy0Ciz
SWEET 16 HAUL: http://bit.ly/1wib63h
WHAT’S IN MY BACKPACK: http://bit.ly/1qx9pzB
FITNESS ROUTINE: http://bit.ly/1yRwP4k

Camera & Camera Lens I Use:
Canon EOS 70D with the Sigma 30 mm f/1.4 lens
Vlog Camera: http://amzn.to/1DhL6q9

Video Editor I Use:
Final Cut Pro X

FTC: This video was not sponsored 🙂

Арабы едят КАЖДЫЙ ДЕНЬ!✧В Египте продается на каждом шагу за копейки! 🔥

Арабы едят КАЖДЫЙ ДЕНЬ!✧В Египте продается на каждом шагу за копейки! 🔥

Арабы очень любят это блюдо! К слову в их странах это блюдо стоит копейки и продается буквально на каждом шагу👌

📝 Ингредиенты
Лук крупный 1 шт
Помидоры 2 шт
Бобы( фуль) 400 гр

What is Golden Ice 🧊⚜️ #shorts

What is Golden Ice 🧊⚜️ #shorts

When we recently tested clear ice shaped like a diamond I didn’t think that we also soon would be testing ice with gold inside.

You Will Love These Videos:
What is Ghost Ice 🥶🧊

Is Too Much Ice in My Drink a SCAM?

INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/vladslickbartender/ 
MY YOUTUBE SHORTS https://www.youtube.com/c/SlickBartenderShorts  
VLADFLIX VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/c/Vladflix 
TIKTOK @SLICKBARTENDER  https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdBTYnV5/ 
FACEBOOK Vlad Slickbartender https://www.facebook.com/vladslickbartender
FOR SPECIAL/VIRTUAL EVENTS https://slickbartender.com 

#shorts #gold #ice

Elegant Butterfly Card

Elegant Butterfly Card

How to make this gorgeous Elegant Butterfly Card with previous Independent Stampin’ Up Demonstrator Traci Cornelius

••• UPDATE ••• I still craft and as I am now a Mum to five girls life has taken a different direction to see more of our family life you can check out our other youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKtcsKEq5htyOcYSt6tXXcA
📓 Notebooks for adults and children https://www.amazon.co.uk/Peaches-Press/e/B09NJQCY4Q
📔 Planners and Notebooks


🌍 My website / blog – https://www.cornelius-fordfamily.com
🌍 My website – https://www.essentialhealthyhappyyou.com
📸 Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cornelius_fordfamily
📸 Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/essentialhealthyhappyyou
👩‍💻 Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/EssentialHealthyHappyYou
🫂 Facebook Group -https://www.facebook.com/groups/essentialoilswithtraci

Traci ~ Mum, an entrepreneur, youtuber, blogger, limitless life seeker
Mark ~ Dad, Inventory Lead for the NHS, Corporal in the Royal Wessex Yeomanry, Carpenter
Kiesha ~ Daughter #1 age 24 flown the nest and creating her own adventures
Nevaeh ~ Daughter #2 age 10
Grace ~ Daughter #3 age 9
Alina ~ Daughter #4 age 7
Soraya ~ Daughter #5 age 6
We are passionate about living a limitless life, sharing the journey and helping others achieve their version of a limitless life.

Когда под рукой есть ДВА банана🍌РАДУЮ семью ВКУСНЯТИНОЙ ЗА 20 МИН. If you hav🍌 be sure to cook

Когда под рукой есть ДВА банана🍌РАДУЮ семью ВКУСНЯТИНОЙ ЗА 20 МИН. If you hav🍌 be sure to cook

Ещё один отличный вариант завтрака🌸
Блины(панкейки, оладьи) получаются очень воздушные, лёгкие, с невероятным ароматом и вкусом 🍌🍌. Очень вкусно! А с шоколадом….мммм)

📝 Ингредиенты:
Бананы 2 шт ( лучше брать очень спелые)
Яйца 2 шт
Сахар 2 ст.л
Соль 1/4 ч.л без горки
Мука 150 гр
Разрыхлитель 6 гр
Молоко 160 мл
Растительное масло 20 гр

Если вы уже готовили по моим рецептам, я буду признательна, если вы отправите фото блюд(а) мне ВКонтакте https://vk.com/amina.yakubova и я их опубликую на Ютубе. Спасибо, за помощь 🌹
Another great breakfast option🌸
Pancakes (pancakes, pancakes) are very airy, light, with an incredible aroma and taste 🍌🍌. Very tasty! And with chocolate …. mmmm)

📝 Ingredients:
Bananas 2 pcs (it is better to take very ripe)
Eggs 2 pcs
Sugar 2 tbsp
1/4 tsp salt without a slide
Flour 150 gr
Baking powder 6 gr
Milk 160 ml
Vegetable oil 20 gr

Trying Centurious Lenses! | Black Friday

Trying Centurious Lenses! | Black Friday

* Lenses here: http://bit.ly/centurious
* UNIQSO: http://bit.ly/uniqso
* Lens safety video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7slhYv2yv8
☥ Become a Belfry Bat ❥ http://bit.ly/1v9fZZN
☥ Support my videos: http://www.patreon.com/blackfriday
☥ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itisblackfriday
☥ Instagram: http://instagram.com/itsblackfriday
☥ Merch: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/itsblackfriday/
☥ Snapchat: Grand-Grimoire
☥ Tumblr: http://itsblackfriday.tumblr.com
☥ Vampire Freaks: http://www.vampirefreaks.com/BlackFriday
☥ Twitter: http://twitter.com/ItsBlack_Friday
☥ My Website: http://www.itsblackfriday.com
☥ Amazon Wishlist: http://amzn.to/231HFAm

* Lenses here: http://bit.ly/centurious
* UNIQSO: http://bit.ly/uniqso

☥ Music:
~ Funhouse – Dreamtime
~ Funhouse – Never Let Me Down Again
~ The 69 Eyes – Dance D’Amour

☥ Equipment I Use:
~ Main camera: http://amzn.to/2beVtDw
~ Underwater camera: http://amzn.to/2biIenw
~ V/O Microphone: http://amzn.to/2hSdNdA
~ Tripod: http://amzn.to/2beVXtc
~ Flexible tripod: http://amzn.to/2beVjfp

☥ Notey Notes:
This video was sponsored by UNIQSO. Items kindly provided by UNIQSO, however all opinions expressed herein are genuine and my own, and always will be 🙂 Some links may be affiliate links.

My Everyday Hijab Style

My Everyday Hijab Style

HD viewing available!

Hijab pin cushion from www.lovehijab.tictail.com
Gold ‘MashAllah’ pin from IG: @trinketsoman
Hijab from www.sanacollection.miiduu.com

Music from https://soundcloud.com/lionnprime-beats


Follow me!
Snapchat: HabibaDaSilva
Emails: contact@habibadasilva.com

The Lies We Tell Kids | #MOMTRUTHS

The Lies We Tell Kids | #MOMTRUTHS

From calling the cops to making it clear that Santa is ALWAYS watching, these are some of the lies we tell our kids on a daily basis. What lies have you told your kids? Let us know in the comments below! Subscribe to Cat & Nat by clicking here: http://bit.ly/1MgVHuk

Follow Cat & Nat on:
– Facebook: http://facebook.com/catandnat
– Instagram: http://instagram.com/catandnat
– Twitter: http://twitter.com/catandnat

Also, visit Cat & Nat’s Website: http://socialcommon.ca

Hi, guys! We’re Catherine Belknap and Natalie Telfer. Together we parent seven children under the age of seven, manage two husbands, and run Social Common. After hosting events and partnering with some amazing brands, we have unlocked the social media world of moms! We are ready to take it to the next level via our YouTube channel. Social Common is an online community that allows for women to come together to discuss, share, and learn about parenting and the journey of motherhood.

#catandnat #momtruths #realmom #momlife

خدعة سرية مخفية في الواتساب جديدة لا يعرفها أحد! 2020 أحدث ميزات الواتساب المخفية

خدعة سرية مخفية في الواتساب جديدة لا يعرفها أحد! 2020 أحدث ميزات الواتساب المخفية

99% من الناس لا يعرفون هذه الخدعة السرية في محادثات واتساب ! سارع بالتجربة ولن تندم خدع واتس اب جديدة لا تعرفها ويجب عليك استعمالها
رابط تحميل احدث نسخة من واتساب : https://kharphonk.com/whatsapp/
ستعشق الواتس اب بعد هذا الفيديو

إلى كل من يستخدم واتس آب
حيل مدهشة للواتس اب .. إن الواتس اب يُعد من أشهر التطبيقات التي يستخدمها الكثيرين في وقتنا الحالي ويتابعون تحديثاته ومع ذلك يوجد العديد من الحيل في الواتساب لا يعرفها الكثيرين, وهذا ما سوف نعرضه لكم في هذا الفيديو
أسرار و خدع واتس اب جديدة لا تعرفها 2020 – أزرار مخفية في واتساب ستعجبك كثيرا وسر مخفي في واتساب 2020 تتحدى به الجميع | ستندم اذا لم تستخدمه وهذه هى خدعة واتساب 2020 استعملها بالحلال فقط وأيضاً أخطر 4 خدع جديدة في تطبيق واتس اب | خدع واتس اب 2020 لكل مستخدمين واتس اب وكيف تشاهد حالات أي شخص على الواتساب بدون أن يعرف ! شيئ لايصدق

– إن أعجبك المقطع فلا تبخل علينا بعمل لايك للفيديو وفعل زر الجرس واضغط على “الكل” ليصلك تنبيهات بأجدد اعمالنا
لا تنسى اخبارنا برايك في الاسفل بالتعليقات
اذا كان لديك اي سؤال لا تتردد في طرحه في الاسفل وسوف احول الرد عليك في اقرب وقت ممكن ” لايك واشتراك لتحفيزنا “