Charles Dowding's no dig garden in May

After a long wait in a slow spring, plants are not holding back! We’ve been at full speed to keep up and there is much to show you.
The hungry gap ends and we enter a period when new harvests happen.
Currently we are picking spinach, pea shoots, asparagus, rhubarb, lettuce, cabbage, kohlrabi, fennel, small beetroot and carrots just starting. Peas and broad beans very close

See the results of different mulching methods, for new no dig beds.
Ideas for intersowing and interplanting.
Propagation tips for June.
The joy of no dig and few weeds. An area which was masses of bindweed / convolvulus roots just two years ago.

April tour
I start slowly, jump to 01.15 for strawberries.

Filmed 26th May 2023 in Somerset, UK by Nicola Smith.

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21 Replies to “Charles Dowding's no dig garden in May”

  1. I noticed rust happens to those long time growing plants (including house plants ) at the time when they do need decent good air and sunlight and temp, yet they dont get it, so they had to fight vs sudden change of temp moisture etc.

  2. I Brought a pound of Lupine seeds with me when i moved from Northern Maine to Virginia and planted them direct in 9 year old composted Manure and they are coming up now about 4 inches tall, so hopefully in a year…or two i should see some color. I Do have some rare yellow and orange colors among a sea of pink and purple mostly mixed in the seed, it will be interesting to see if they adapt to the huge heat difference here.

  3. i been thinking seriously (since so far my allotment only had potatoes and strawberries growing gooda), SHOULD I BUILD A REAL GOOD HUGE GREEN HOUSE COVERING MY ALLOTMENT( not the berries part and the tree lol ) . coz i have got good soil and energy but we do not have good weather lol.

  4. Charles. They sell many kinds of pond water spouts that will keep pond water moving. Mosquitos lay eggs in standing water.

  5. I think the rust comes from the quemtrails. I have noticed on my roses too, the part that are touched by rain becomes pink spots on yellow petals… ????

  6. Hi Charles, some of my onions a running to seed already. Can I snip off the top like you did with garlic or can they be eating when seeded?

  7. Excellent video. Really enjoyed the tour. Off to my allotment now, full of enthusiasm. Thanktou

  8. Charles, I do love your videos and the enthusiasm you show. It’s like you are as proud of your veggies as you would be about your children… is lovely to see. Have a successful season . Thanks

  9. Hello Charles! It's a wonderful time of year, good to see you, thanks for a new video ????

  10. Looks immaculate and puts me to shame, I'm probably a month behind due to my Covid and local climate.
    Only things doing well are Elephant Garlic,(doesn't seem to get rust), Sutherland Kale and cos type lettuce. Plus we are still eating Uchiki Kuri squash stored since autumn.

  11. Home acres is looking wonderful and a pleasure to be shown round all the healthy looking veg and flowers by you. Your garden is a brilliant example of how beautiful a veg garden can be. Your a tonic for us all, thank you

  12. All looking good Charles. Hope your back is all OK now. Such a pain (quite literally) to us gardeners.

  13. Lovely camera work (always impressed with camera people able to walk backwards whilst still keeping the subject in shot).
    Your rye is looking lovely… I was wondering how much you'd need to have enough harvest for bread? I have a space behind my garage that is about 1 to 2 feet wide by about 8 to 10 feet long… it has/had yukka's in it but is primarily just empty ground, would that provide enough space if I can get rye to grow there?

  14. Garlic can develop a condition called "garlic rust," which is a fungal disease caused by the pathogen Puccinia allii.

    Garlic rust causes small, yellow or orange pustules to appear on the leaves of the garlic plant. These pustules can eventually turn brown and release spores, which can spread the disease to other garlic plants. Garlic rust thrives in humid conditions and can be more prevalent in areas with high rainfall and poor air circulation.

    To prevent garlic rust, it's important to practice good crop management techniques, such as rotating crops and avoiding planting garlic in areas where the disease has previously been present. It's also important to keep the garlic plants well-watered and to provide good air circulation around the plants.

  15. Thank you for your wonderful videos. I came across your videos in December 2020 and I’ve been no dig ever since – I’m certainly seeing a great improvement in my soil quality at the allotment and I’m loving the less weeding. Your videos are so informative.. and relaxing to watch too – I particularly enjoyed Minty’s cameo appearance – what a cuddlesome cat!

  16. Charles is that similar to Analemma water? I bought the wand and I drink the wonderful water. I’ll water the plants with it as well and let you know how it goes. The company says they did lots of tests on crops. I’m curious about the water you’re testing.

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