Dungeon Games / Legend of Keepers 5E Reverse Dungeon / Diablo 4 will be the next

Legend of Keepers 5E Reverse Dungeon and STL Miniatures — Kickstarter here https://bit.ly/legendofkeepers5e

The Legend of Keepers 5E Reverse Dungeon campaign book is a 350+ page tome containing 4 unique dungeons, STL models of 24 playable heroes, 50+ playable monsters, 12 notorious monster bosses and rules for three ways to play 5E (traditional, evil and PvP). This campaign is also offering over 200 STLs from Stonecraft Dungeon, Lazy Squire Games’ new line of 3D-printable terrain.

#legendofkeepers #5e #stlmodels

24 Replies to “Dungeon Games / Legend of Keepers 5E Reverse Dungeon / Diablo 4 will be the next”

  1. Naga: "You dare enter my domain, Mortals?!"

    Paladin: "Foul abomination! We have come to avenge the souls of the sailors you killed and to reclaim the gold for their families!"

    Cleric: "Hoar demands your soul for the lives you've taken, creature!"

    Mage: "Ha hahaha! Let's see if the fires of the elemental plane are enough to burn you to ash!"

    Druid?: "Nature cannot abide your existence any longer!"

    Bard: "My friends, I shall sing you a song to make light your weapons and make strong your words! Should we survive, feel free to tip this humble musician. Oh, and drinks are on the paladin."

    Paladin: "What? Again?"

  2. God i need this chill music. It’s literally the best theme that i need in my life to chill with. I watch the vids for the music and the builds but it would be amazing to know the music for the build process

  3. I particularly liked the bard providing the soundtrack to the battle in the background. It brought to mind "Brave Sir Robin" from Monty Python & the Holy Grail. ????

  4. Your paint job never cease to amaze me….. Always outstanding.Keep moving forward????

  5. Can someone tell me what is this "box" used for airbrushing? I'm kind of trying to buy one of these.

  6. Somehow the older ones where they did the walls tiles by scoring it out on foam boards just amazes me more. Still amazing work and I’m sure the same or more amount of work goes into creating the 3D printed ones too.. just expressing my preference ????

  7. There is an outside chance that you have too much time on your hands.
    Amazing job,and the smoke effect was super cool.

  8. all this smoke going in reverse was annoying but good job overall, thanks

  9. Es ist wieder einmal eine wunderbare Arbeit geworden. Alles was mit dem Pinsel berührt wird durch dich erwacht zum Leben. Tolles Video ???? ????

  10. linda amei suas unhas estao um luxo so kkkkkk beijos do seu fan maluco brazileiro????????????????????????☺????

  11. boa noite acho que antes voce tinha mais trabalho no começo kkkk mas agora voce lida evoluiu muito parabens
    esses recurço da machine 3D adiantao muito voce pode fazer um dragao com armadura e um cavaleiro com espada de metal e o dragon com metade zumbi voando naquele estilo seu antigo que voce enche com a rezina por favor kiss kiss kiss ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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