Eat Chia Seeds Every Day For A Month See What Happens To Your Body

From better digestion, lower cholesterol, smarter brain, faster weight loss to lower disease risk and more, watch till the end to learn about all of them.

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#ChiaSeeds #BenefitsOfChiaSeeds #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
Stronger Bones – 00:48
Better Digestion – 01:26
Balanced Blood Sugar Levels – 02:03
Enhanced Oral Health – 02:49
Healthier Heart – 03:18
Builds Muscles – 03:51
Higher Energy Levels – 04:17
Lower Blood Pressure – 04:51
Smarter Brain – 05:21
Boosted Exercise Performance – 05:54
Lesser Wrinkles – 06:21
Improved Hydration – 06:47
Faster Weight Loss – 07:05
Lower Cholesterol Levels – 07:59
Lower Disease Risk – 08:28
Lesser Body Toxins – 08:55


1. Stronger Bones: Since a serving of chia seeds contains a whopping 18 percent of your daily recommended intake of Calcium, eating them is bound to have a positive effect on your bone health. To be clear, a serving of chia seeds contains more calcium than a serving of milk.

2. Better Digestion: Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber, especially insoluble fiber, which is an important nutrient for your digestive system. Insoluble fiber acts like a broom for your digestive tract, cleaning it out and keeping it healthy. Eating enough fiber can reduce your risk for many digestive diseases, such as colorectal cancer.

3. Balanced Blood Sugar Levels: Chia seeds can reduce insulin resistance and are also helpful in decreasing abnormally high levels of blood sugar. Chia seeds are rich in alpha linolenic acid and fiber, and these elements majorly help in reversing the effects of diabetes. Chia seeds are also known for their satiating properties – the feeling of being full for a longer time. This helps you control in between meal snacking, which in turn controls blood sugar levels

4. Enhanced Oral Health: Because chia seeds are packed with calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and zinc, it’s no wonder that promoting oral health makes the list as one of the top benefits of chia seeds. Calcium is the building block of your teeth that is necessary for maintaining oral health. Meanwhile, zinc prevents tartar by keeping plaque from mineralizing onto your teeth and has an antibacterial effect that keeps bad breath germs away. Vitamin A and phosphorus are also important for strong teeth and a healthy mouth, both of which are plentiful in chia seeds.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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17 Replies to “Eat Chia Seeds Every Day For A Month See What Happens To Your Body”

  1. Started on chia seeds this week I drink it in water before breakfast & afternoon I have a chia seeds pudding with almond milk & honey also a spoonful in oatmeal I love it wished I would've tried it sooner

  2. Thank you bestie I put my chia seeds and everything I love my cheers to you and you really do keep you more full but all the other things that you're home soon I didn't know but I'm teaching people about Chelsea's but I buy the organic chia seeds and I love the chia seeds I really do

  3. I will start today mixing chia seeds on bcaa im hopping for better results to building muscle????????????

  4. I am 2 months into eating Chia seeds…. 6 weeks in, my inflammation, has almost disappeared!! I soak them overnight, in a separate bowl from the oatmeal…. Soaking oatmeal overnight makes it less gassy, and easier for the body to absorb…. In the morning I cook the cereal and add it to the chia, an add raisins, allspice, and cinnamon…. Inflammation is more then 90% gone ????????

  5. How much chia ( in grams) seeds should be consumed on daily basis? Also please suggest the ways it can be consumed. Can it be consumed permanently or needs intervals? Please guide.

  6. On my WL journey after losing 46kg last 1.5yrs. I am 11kg away from GW of 48kg. I'm using chia seeds daily twice to help with skin collagen, energy etc. By July/August God willing ill achieve my WLG of 48kg. Coming from 105kg during pregnancy and size 22, to size 8, im proud of myself. Just need to build little muscle to help skin fill out and tighten not go crazily over muscular, I like to stay feminine cute.

  7. Chia seeds, wholewheat flakes from health food shop, cinnamon, banana, figs, dates and water in a blender until really smooth. Pour into small pudding bowls. I eat this for breakfast. It's so good

  8. CUp of milk, three tablespoons or less of chia seeds. soak in fridge overnight, in the morning you have a filling snack. ????

  9. I make a fruit jello type deal, adding coconut cream, gelatin, fruit & chia. Eat it daily, until recently (not related to chia)

  10. I just sprinkle it to our salads because I'm adamant with the soak in milk/water type of thing and I just tried once for the heck of it. Soaked in milk and pureed mango and I must say, it's one of my favorite desserts now.

  11. I take two teaspoons of chia seeds with honey and lemon juice and water. Why didn’t I lose weight or felt energetic

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