EP. 3 Quarantine workout : How to exercise to burn fat and lose weight | Bumrungrad

After a long time practicing social distancing at home, many of us have put on some unwanted weight. One of Bumrungrad’s doctors is here to guide you through a few at-home exercises that can help you burn fat and take control of your weight.

Bumrungrad Joint Replacement Center : https://bit.ly/3234wF1


10 Replies to “EP. 3 Quarantine workout : How to exercise to burn fat and lose weight | Bumrungrad”

  1. "what you are doing is getting food, and going back watching netflix"
    Stop exposing us

  2. Burning fat still easy but how can we build muscle in without gym equipment and free weight do you think our own bodyweight can increase muscle mass and size beacuse i dont like lean body i like monster body

  3. This is now part of my daily routine. Its gets me in shale every morning. Im just a kid, 9 years old, and I play sports. So this is important to me.

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