Halloween Candy Corn Cup Treats!

If you make these send me a picture with #CandyCornCups or #TripleC I wanna see how yours turn out!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ????????????????????????????????????

Hope you enjoyed this & thanks for watching love bugs! xoxo, Mere

Tumblr: http://meredithfoster.tumblr.com

Keek: Meredith Foster

My Instagram: StilaBabe09



My Vlog Channel!

FTC, everything was purchase by me. Not a sponsored video. All opinions are my own, like always!

19 Replies to “Halloween Candy Corn Cup Treats!”

  1. I watch your DIY videos and either we don't have the ingredients or the items or it's not that time of the year. But I enjoy watching. ????

  2. since Halloween is on a Friday my friend and I are maybe gonna make those pudding cup I CANT WAIT YEEEE!!!!!

  3. Thanks Meredith I loved the recipe and I made for St. Patty's day with green food coloring and 4 leaf clover sprinkles on top of the whoop cream!!!
    Theese recipes are very tasty and also useful so please make more of theese videos!!! #tripplec

  4. Tried the little Halloween milk thingy shake it was good thank ya! โค๏ธ

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