Ham and Potato Soup Recipe – Ham and Potato Chowder

Learn how to make a Ham and Potato Soup Recipe ! – Visit http://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2011/10/ham-and-potato-soup-tuberlicious.html for the ingredients, more recipe information, and over 600 additional original video recipes! I hope you enjoy this Ham and Potato Soup Recipe !

24 Replies to “Ham and Potato Soup Recipe – Ham and Potato Chowder”

  1. I sometimes use left over mashed potatoes to thicken soup. Bean soup is very good done like that.

  2. Okay, let me start by saying that I have a highly evolved sense of humor. Then add to that the fact that I have a daughter that I sent to college for a 5 year degree in Theater. I think they call it a Bachelor of Fine Arts. The "Fine" part results from the fact that it takes 5 years instead of 4 years to get the "Bachelor" part. Having said those things and after being force to acknowledge that, after over 20 years later, she is a Barista in a coffee shop, I have to admit that that crack about paying the Art Major for the pizza was one of the funniest things that has ever made me cry into my whiskey on the rocks. Well done, sir!

  3. I’m making this today. I cooked a ham yesterday and thought about making split pea soup and this came up after I watched your pea soup video and now I’m drooling 🤤 AND I have everything I need. I’ll use the ham bone to make stew stock and use it in place of chicken stock. Yuuuummmm

  4. Currently making ham and bean soup… Shoulda made ham and potatoe… It's cool I will make both.

  5. Right now, we should be devoted to "early Chef John". Watching only early Food Wishes vids from now on.

  6. I've seen this video 100 times and I still enjoy the jokes. This soup is fantastic and I'm making more as I type this. Love ya bud!

  7. Thank you so much for your effort making this video. I tried the recipe today and nailed it! So good!!! Thank you :):)

  8. I was looking for a way to use up some ham and just knew you would have a recipe! Your lamb stew is my go to and I've made it so many times. Among others. The art major joke was the greatest lol!

  9. Always follow your channel Chef John. I learnt alot from you. Thanks.

  10. I tried this recipe this evening. Great Googily Moogily it was delicious! I pigged out on 3 bowls before I had to quit.

  11. I made this with the fake ham lunch meat and added a little ham boullion and it was delicious.

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