American Goulash (One-Pot Beef & Macaroni) – Food Wishes

Learn how to make an American Goulash recipe! This American goulash recipe doesn’t have much in common with its Hungarian namesake, except for the most important thing; they’re both incredibly delicious! Visit for the ingredients, more information, and many, many more video recipes. I really hope you enjoy this easy American Goulash recipe!

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22 Replies to “American Goulash (One-Pot Beef & Macaroni) – Food Wishes”

  1. My mother would boil macaroni until it was pretty much done, then add a can of tomatoes, cook for another couple of minutes and call it goulash. My mother inspired me to learn to cook at an early age.
    This is a good version of American goulash.

  2. As a Hungarian what you are making is definitely not goulash if anything it’s hamburger helper and if you remove the pasta and add beans and chilli powder you can call it chilli it’s actually an insult to call it goulash but you made a nice homemade hamburger helper and not Goulash

  3. Made this today. So totally awesome. Certainly a keeper recipe. Thank you John and Michelle(your inspiration!).

  4. We had Texas goulash on Friday's. ( we had meat Friday's and Sunday's ) beans and potatoes and a vegetable the rest of the week. My mom had a pan she put anything left every day, and added that to the meat and pasta. We all loved Friday's dinner. GOD BLESS

  5. a little dash of worcestershire sauce alongside the soy sauce is wonderful. adobo sauce from chipotles in adobo sauce adds a wonderful smoky punch

  6. i have wanted to try this for so long and now i will I love your recipe the one pot and all the flavor ou added. never saw it with the cheddar added ,but im a cheese freak and that sealed it for me.this is my goulash!!!!!

  7. I’ve made this twice. I rushed the second time and didn’t cook the spices. That step really does add a lot of flavor.

  8. Ha ha! I thought I was the only one who liked school hot lunches as a kid.
    I remember when they served us those red candied apple rings for a side dish. Some kids who hated beets, thought they were beets said "yuck". And I said, "I'll eat your 'beets' if you don't want 'em."
    Oh yummy lunches those times were!

  9. His repetitive voice inflection makes me want to kill myself! 📈📉📈📉📈📉📈📉

  10. Sorry, not a fan of this recipe. I did however follow the beginning part of the instructions for sauteeing the beef with onions and all the seasonings, the flavor was good. Once I had my beef and macaroni and other ingredients ready I could see this recipe called for way too much liquid, I don't like this dish soupy, I eliminated all the liquid and just used homemade spaghetti sauce and chopped tomatoes for the tomato filling and I added shredded cheddar cheese mixed throughout, with a little on top to brown. It came out good however, next time I will drain the beef, it was a bit too oily for my taste. I have tried other Food Wishes recipes with great success but I would not recommend this recipe because of all the liquid.

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