How to Make Water Disappear | Science Projects

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Satin Top Hat:
Plastic Cups:
Baby Care Powder:
Food Coloring:

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You guys like magic? Well, I have a really, really cool magic trick, okay? But it really isn’t magic, we’ll call it the magic of science, right? One day I saw a magician, okay? I have three daughters and they love going to parties and there was a magician act at the party. And magician’s wear what? They wear a hat. So this magician took off his hat and he said to my daughter. He said, “Hey, Riley. Come here.”

And he said, “Do me a favor. I want you to pour this water into my hat.” Now think about it. Water is a liquid right? Liquids flow, you can touch the water, you can hold the water. Liquids change their shape. So she said, “Wait a minute. You want me to pour the liquid into your hat?” He said, “That’s right. Pour it into my hat.”

So my daughter took the liquid, she poured the entire cup of water into his hat. Now remember it’s a liquid, so if it was in the cup, it’s the shape of the cup. When it went into his hat, it was the shape of his hat. Two seconds later the magician took the hat and he put it on Riley’s head and she thought she was going to get wet so she screamed and said, “No.”

And all of a sudden, the water was gone. She’s the one that put it into the hat. She knows she did it, but it was gone. It was magic, right? Actually it wasn’t magic. Do you know what the magician used? See he had a trick up his sleeve. He had a special button in that hat and when he pressed the button, something shot out. Do you know what that was?

Well, I have it. Do you guys know what this is? Probably, hopefully you don’t wear these anymore, okay? But you see this diaper, believe it or not has something inside that is exactly the same powder that the magician had in his hat. It’s called diaper powder.

You see if I took a scissor and I actually cut this diaper open, you’re going to notice that there’s cotton and there are different types of materials, but if you went through it, you’re going to find inside of that diaper, there’s a powder. This powder does something so amazing that you just have to see it.

Now nobody was able to see what happened in that hat, because the hat was black. It’s opaque. You can’t see through things that are opaque. You can’t see my heart, because I’m opaque, right? But watch, what if I took a glass of water– check this out. We’re going to make the water disappear using cups that are clear. I like to rhyme.

Watch this. Pour half a cup of water, okay? We can make this water green, just so you can see it more clearly, okay? And I’m going to stir it around, and in this cup, that’s going to be our magician’s hat or the diaper or just in this case, the disappearing water cup.

Now you don’t want to use a giant heaping teaspoon and that’s not going to be in your diaper anyway. You probably could get about a teaspoon and we’re going to pour it in. Guys, you’re not allowed to take the powder and pour it into the water, because think about it.

When the baby goes to the bathroom are you sprinkling the powder when they go to the bathroom or are they going into the powder? They’re going into the powder. So I’m going to take this and I’m going to hold this, okay? I’m going to pour and I’m going to pour quickly. Think about it. When babies go to the bathroom, it’s pretty fast, okay?

You better get into the bathroom fast, quickly. I’m going to take this and I’m going to pour. Ready, set– uh, oh liquid, liquids flow. Liquids flow, all of a sudden, I’m going to take this cup. That liquid is in this cup. You saw it happen, right? Abbra-cadabra, alla-kazoo, the liquid spell is not on you and the water is gone.

You see that? It’s on top of my head. Boys and girls, I’m not a magician. This powder is known to be super-absorbent. When something is absorbent it means it’s being sucked up. My shirt could absorb water, okay? Think about a paper towel when you have a spill.

Mommy says get a towel. You place the paper towel, the towel will absorb and suck up the water. This powder sucked up the water to the point where it will never let it go. Check this out. I could actually squeeze the cup and look at this. I turned the water and it’s trapped and it will not come out.

And if you want to do a really cool second part to this experiment, but I’m not going to tell you what happens. Put this back in your cup, okay? And ask mom or dad or whoever you live with for salt. Salt that you put on french fries or salad. And take a teaspoon of salt, sprinkle it, one teaspo