How To Use An Acupressure Mat | Natural Pain Relief for the Entire Body

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Ever wonder if those tined acupressure mats really work or how to use them? Join me in this mini-tutorial on what it can do and a few ideas on how to use it!
#acupressuremat #acupressure #naturalpainrelief

Acupressure mat –

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*Disclaimer – The Yoga Ranger Studio (with Aprille Walker)
Please consult your physician before engaging in any exercise or exercise program or using supplementary products and always use caution when engaging in any activity or using any product or information provided by this video. The information given in this video is opinion and only opinion. By voluntarily participating in this exercise program or using the information provided, you assume all risk of injury to yourself and release and discharge The Yoga Ranger Studio or Aprille Walker from all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising from use of this video or information therein.

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17 Replies to “How To Use An Acupressure Mat | Natural Pain Relief for the Entire Body”

  1. So far Iโ€™m not very much intelligent discussion about the bed of nails. I have one now and I thought for years the real purpose of the bed of nails is so we can train ourselves to relax and the pressure under pain. Or stated another way to activate our para sympathetic nervous system. I bought one iโ€™m trying to get in the habit of using it every other day but a little forgetful. When I do use it is night and day I am set I am relaxed and energized and clear. Long deep breath and most importantly a longer controlled out breath..

  2. I love my acupressure mat. It is wonderful for pain relief and caentering. I also recommend laying on your chest with no shirt on. You will become quickly acclimated. With a shirt on you will not get the deep treatment that the mats are designed to deliver.

  3. Hi!. I just want to ask if this can reduce anxiety disorder, increase immune system, contol blood sugar ( I am Type 2 Diabetic), relieves migraine, relieves testicular pain due to Epidydimitis, Prostatitis, constipation, Spondylosis, and also makes you sleep fast without taking sleeping meds like Zolpidem anytime of the day. Thank you. God bless!

  4. hey there. i am a teen with very tight upper traps. i am nervous to use this if it hurts. what do you think? i just really want the tightness to go away

  5. First time using mine & Iโ€™m excited to continue using it as regular usage daily! ๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿฅฐ xxx

  6. My son got me one a couple months ago and I have not used. I certainly will now.
    Any ankle/foot positions? I have chronic ankle pain.

  7. I just received one and it's painful. I can just stand few seconds so 15-20 minutes session is an eternity LoL

  8. Thanks so much for this informative video. I've been yo-yoing between thinking I should get one of these or a lumbar support arch and couldn't decide which one. Your video tells me that this can effectively double up as both. Accupressure mat it is – thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ <3

  9. Hello there and thanks for this. Do you think it matters whether or not the mat you use is 'branded' or not? From what I can see the spikes on the no name mats look the same as those on the more expensive brands like 'Shakti'. Thoughts?

  10. I can't help it but use it anytime I'm feeling tensiรณn which is like 2 times per day. And it's wonderful ๐Ÿ˜

  11. I swear by the Shakti/Prana mat. I had a very serious back injury – I fell out of an inversion. It was my go to for relief and repair.

  12. Wow..I was given the mat and pillow as a gift! Just used it for the first time after watching you video and Iโ€™m pleased . How many times a week do you recommend that I can use mat?

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