Makeup Challenge: Drugstore Products Only

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14 Replies to “Makeup Challenge: Drugstore Products Only”

  1. Omg ! You kena tengok balik vid ni πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ how you did your kening 1 year ago vs now hahahahaha

  2. Hi Assalam, can please review wawacosmetics by wawa zainal?? Im so curious and never seen any frm our local ytbers here? πŸ€”πŸ€—

  3. Hi nisha..pls try review tutorial using In2it products n sendayu tinggi..much love for yr effortsπŸ’•πŸ’•

  4. Sis really cute. Boleh tak share macam mana nak senang lukis eyeliner nipis2 macam tu cause im a beginner & tak.reti nak buat nipis2 eyeliner tu 😭

  5. Nisha izzati.. I nak tanya.. Nail u sgt cantik.. U buay manicure ke.. Or u buat sendiri.. Boleh share tak..

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