29 Replies to “Q&A with My Mom! 🌿”

  1. I haven’t gardened since I was a kid it was apart of our chores and I swore when I was older I’d never do it! Well 25 years later it has giving me the best peace until a snake popped up lol so what would you suggest to combat that? Thank you 😊

  2. Do the grandkids spend the night and if yes, what is an evening like with Gram & Gramps?

  3. As you designed your own garden pretty much from scratch, do you have any tips on designing a new garden space and how did you go about designing your own? Your garden is beautiful just like Laura’s. Get well soon.

  4. Dear Laura’s mom, do you ever get inspiration to stock a particular plant or garden accessory from customers? If yes, what comes to mind as most successful/popular?

    Wishing you a speedy and full recovery… 🇬🇧

  5. Laura mentioned recently that you were planning some remodeling in your home 🏡, what’s your style like and what all are you planning on doing ? Prayers for. Speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹

  6. So lovin’ these questions from your wonderful followers. What a fab community here! ❤️💚

  7. I just want to say your Mom is wonderful and I wish healing for her. Your Mom and Dad did an amazing job raising you three.

  8. Hello ladies, What stage of planting is your favourite (e.g. seeds, seedlings, potter)? Why?

  9. What are your favorite flowers for a fragrant bouquet? I love when my house smells like flowers! I have a lilac and several roses in my garden. What else should I add for fragrant cut flowers? (Zone 8 WA)

  10. Most of the guidance I see is for much more humid environments. I live in Reno Nevada, so High Desert. Do I need to take any of the precautions suggested against things like mold? I have a zucchini plant that's growing like gangbusters but I'm wondering what if any precautions do I Actually Need to take in the High Desert. Thank you!

  11. Glad to hear your recovery is going well, sending thoughts and prayers. Do you have any recommendations for low pollen flowers? I have hay fever but, love to garden more.

  12. I’ve been attempting to grow Dalias for the last three summers. I live 50 miles east of San Francisco. It gets up to three digit temps here anywhere from June thru September. I plant the tubers per directions. They grow but never produce buds/flowers. What am I doing wrong and do you have any tips
    So thankful for your input.
    My mother in law had a beautiful dahlia plant that grew back every year. I want to have a blooming plant to remind me of her❣️
    Thank you❣️

  13. Praying for your speedy recovery. 🙏 Is there something in your yard that you wish you would have done differently and one thing you wish you would have done that you never did? We will enjoy hearing from you and Laura❣️

  14. Would love to watch a Q&A with your mom. So about a month ago, I travelled from Wenatchee, WA to Boise for a family wedding. Because I was “in the neighborhood “ I pulled off the interstate highway and visited Andrews Seed Nursery. I was so impressed and honestly kind of jealous that my community doesn’t have a local garden center. We have the big box stores. We have one local garden center that pops up each March 15th or so and is done by June 1st. Are the economics just not there to compete with the big box stores, or is it so hard that your passion for the work has to be so strong that you will make the sacrifices? The nursery was lovely. I made a couple of small purchases as souvenirs. I really enjoy your videos with Laura, we are about the same age. I hope you recover soon.

  15. LOVE THIS That you'd ask your Mom!!!! You're all BEAUTIFUL and SPECIAL!!♥️♥️♥️

  16. i wanna ask your mom, what is her secret of her youth looking…i reallyy wanna know….and she's beautiful outside and inside

  17. So your family seems to be so productive, positive, and supportive of each other. Q: What do you and Laura believe are the biggest reasons why you guys are able to be these things? ( Don’t be afraid to share your faith if that is part of it). Love the channel 💕💙💕💙

  18. Your mom is just the most pleasant person . A lovely ,calming voice & a sweet smile . Best wishes to her 💖

  19. I don’t have a question, but I think it would be fun to do a garden tour with your parents in their garden. Maybe a section at a time and they can show some before, during, after of how areas evolved and just their own personal view and discussion would be so fun.

  20. What are all the different landscape types/ climates that you have gardened in! Love your videos and hope to go antiquing with my mom someday!

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