Sleep, Eat and Shop!

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24 Replies to “Sleep, Eat and Shop!”

  1. Hi 🤗🤗🤗 kak Nisha how to be like u. Akk saya tengok akk sangt berdikari mcm mana akk boleh jadi matang and boleh cri duit sendiri di usia yg muda . Tq I hope u success in u life 😘😘😘

  2. Kak nisha, i have a question. Macam mana nk hilangkan bekas jerawat yg dah jdi hitam eh kak?

  3. This makeup look so pretty❤️😭😭❤️❤️❤️Can u do tutorial🙆🏼‍♀️🙆🏼‍♀️

  4. boleh tak nak tahu mana you get your top? bcs i tgh cari black top yg cam essential gitu.

  5. Bersin pun cantik heheh❤️❤️saya always follow video2 kak nisha lipstick mascara pun tgok hehe asalkn ad kak nisha comel ni❤️

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