Twin Talk #2 "Friendships" | Real Friends vs Fake Friends"



T W I T T E R & I N S T A G R A M



21 Replies to “Twin Talk #2 "Friendships" | Real Friends vs Fake Friends"”

  1. My friends are annoyed at me because I responded to a tweet using "🤨". I have explained why to them but they still want me to give a reason and say I am still part of the friend group, what should I do in this situation?

  2. Can you do a twin talk about managing bullies and sticking up for yourself without panicking. TT helps me with life😀

  3. Can you guys please just do a 10 minute vlog on how you guys mainly grew your hair . Like 10 tips . Please (:

  4. Omg! I just searched twin talk because I was thinking of starting that on my channel with MY twin! 😍🤗

  5. Kendra lol you are so funny lol you're so much like I am with my twin👯 sister I'm more intuitive as well I can pick up on things really quick love you both God bless🙏🙌😘😘😘

  6. It is so cute to see you finishing each other's sentences and thinking along the same lines. I sure wish my son had a twin like you do…it is quite handy…lol

  7. I have a Question I have a friend I be text him and I message him and he told one day we can gone out to Lunch so one day text him and told to meet me for lunch so he didn't come? So what would you do…

  8. Thank you Kendra and Kelsey for sharing this topic. I needed to hear this and it’s very helpful. 😌 I like you guys’s makeup it’s pretty.

  9. I love you guy's morals and value that you have about friends. Someone must have raised you right. I'm a much older woman but I grew up with the same kind views on friendship. I had a friend from the 3rd grade up until adulthood and she was a good friend in everyway but she couldn't keep a secret and I could. There were things I wanted to share with her and I couldn't she has pass on now. And I still haven't found a friend that I feel safe enough to tell everything to. I'm like this if you ask me not to tell your secret no matter how juicy it is I won't tell. What do you do when you can't find that in another person?

  10. Everything you said was on point with my views on friendship which I why I don't have any, maybe one. A lot of people say they're my friend but I say I have Associates. Lol there's a few people I'd like to show this video to. I have a "friend" that uses me and gets mad when I don't comply. I have another "friend" that repeated something I said even though I asked her not going repeat it. SMH. They still say I'm there friend. No thanks, of course I have to be cordial and kind because that's who I am and i work with them but I work with imposters. So difficult to find real friends. I'm a good friend to people but No one ever appreciates a real friend. I don't get it. Another point is you can't be friends with someone who is friends with a person you don't care for based on the way they treat their so called "friends. To many fake people. It's exhausting. Thanks for the tips and your honesty. You're both so beautiful inside and out. I hope to find friends like you. 😘

  11. Based on this video I realized how fake my “friend” is. She never wants to hang out ever

  12. Srry my English isn't that goodOke I need help in have or had a girl best friend we tell each other anything. 1.So I had an operation she was supposed to come visit me she didn't come and didn't even callI let that I had from a friend of ours she had a new boyfriend which she didn't tell me about like on Friday after school I saw her and I thinks her boyfriend and some of their friends sitting. I waved at her, she looked at me and all of them started laughing.and she didn't turn around again or something pretend like I didn't exist I deleted her numberAm I right that am mad or over reacting

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