In this Yoga Tips video we talk about how to activate the muscles and connect to the energetic body to find a supportive transition from Down Dog to Lunge. Cultivate awareness in your center to shift the weight of the body in a way that feels supportive and grounded. Use this video to deepen your practice and to find more ease in transitions as the flexibility of the body evolves and your practice grows!
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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.
6:10 THIS is where I can't hold the form, and then lose the transition to a lunge!
I love these older videos the best. Less polished and "shi-shi". Thank you.
Hi Adriene! I have started with yoga just few days ago, but with you its really good ! You are nice, kind and also funny 🙂
This is very helpful for beginners.
Perfect! Just what I needed today, thank you
Greatly thank you for the details! ????
Thank you So Much! This So made sense. I hadn't realised that before. Always thought it was my shape that was the problem. ????Thank you for explaining so perfectly. Namaste
This is the one transition that is killing me in my pilates class. I got a big ol gut so my leg doesn't go as far as I want it to
Some of this is just anatomy. I had a yoga teacher tell me my arms are just too short compared to the rest of my body, so I will never be able to transition to lunge from downward/three legged dog. I just have to put my knee down to come off my hands and place the other foot up. Slows me down to the rhythm of Adrienne’s flow. But can’t change the bones I have.
After years of starting and stopping yoga practice I have decided to really get into the basics and learn how to do things properly. I clicked on this short video after a workout thinking it's going to be super easy. ???? It was hard but so good and educational! Thanks!
Thank you Adriene, namaste x
My difficulty is getting my leg from the halfway mark, level with my lower ribs, all the way up to where when I put my foot down, it's still about a foot behind my hands. What exercise can I do to help increase my range of motion? Is that hip tightness?
Damn. No wonder it was a short video. Ty. 0144 hrs
I have worked and worked and worked on this but the only way I can do it is if I move my arm out of the way at the critical moment. I can’t even do it backwards. To step my foot back to plank I have to turn my knee out to get it out from under my armpit. My arms and lower legs are basically the same length. There is no clearance between my knee and my armpit when my palms are planted and very little when I’m up on my short fingertips. Maybe that’s normal – I don’t know. I’m beginning to wonder if this even mechanically possible for me. Anyone else in the same boat?
The more education on the yoga transitions the better/safer/more useful.
Thank you so much for keeping this available online, I was really concerned that I was messing this up and that physically grabbing my ankle was wrong or a cheat. I do think the length of your torso to leg may have something to do with it and how much your spine can round to make space beneath, things that are just “you” and that’s ok. Instead of grabbing my ankle begrudgingly forward I shall now hoist it gracefully ????
Moving from the center… still working at it….
Love your passion
Anyone know where she got her pants?
I'm so glad I found this video! I kept having trouble with this transition. My movement was very jerky and un-yogalike!
So glad to find this. Thank you. I’m doing the 30 day programme and have been reminded how I’ve never been able to do this transition. I look forward to mindfully trying this.