How To Make The Perfect Pie

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Truelordpower says:

how to make the perfect pie
1.Go to Mcdonalds a apple pie
3.enjoy a easy and simple pie

Stillness speaks says:

When the actual video starts, 00:00 thank me later

Trixie Robinson says:

What is Pi?
Pi is 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986290348253421170679
1 like for my effort of returning to google again and again to write this comment 😭😭😭

patty bips says:

Woke up, thought about pie and wanted a piece

Yusra Taylor says:

I was waiting for her to turn a slice over to show off that it had no soggy bottom, but that didn't happen. The pumpkin looked fine but the apple was a lil wet looking 🤔and since I've never had/seen a homemade apple pie that wasn't soaked thru to the bottom, I'm not too hopeful
Challenge accepted.

Shreya Menon says:

Please make a homemade ice cream 101!!

nikolai aoun says:

do u make 2 doughs for the apple
please answer

Frits Coppens says:

"Push it in the corner" its a cirkel !!!!

Futuristic Photon says:

Isn’t the coldest temperature absolute zero. It isn’t but I mean you’re not gonna out your pie at absolute zero. …

Emmanuel Landero says:

Her voice is soooo relaxing

mehak oberoi says:

Thank you for the video.
I only have FILLINGS for you

αφροδιτη βεργουλιδου says:

Πολυ ωραιες συνταγες αλλα. Γιατι τοσο γρηγορα δοσμενες, ειναι πολυ κουραστικο αυτο το συνεχως μπλα μπλα μπλα WHY?wHY?WHY?

Mike Wazowski says:

smush smush smush

Angela Mae Mirador says:

i want a egg pie

Muthana Hussain says:

The perfect pie is pie flavored…

Wolf Dude29 says:

That crust looks dry af

Noor Kamal says:

Heyyy i went to Leith’s too! 👏🏻

Natsu Draganeel says:

I ain't saying that this video is bad, but it would have been way better if Rie did it ,idk why but she's the best producer

Ultimate Recipes says:



Hila Galam says:

They look great and I'll definitely try them out customized to my needs, which means no butter or gluten at all. The only thing I didn't like about this video is her voice and pronunciation. She's just really annoying and some of the words are just too plain.

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