22 Replies to “Game changing noodle broth!”

  1. I know a Fench Guy who might take issue with this. And I have a problem comparing this to Ramen.

  2. Wow that sounds like make ramen gourmet ????☺️ excited to try – once i have the motivation to add steps to my ramen ????

  3. This sounds very good, except this spinach part, I absolutely HATE spinach. What's the best replacement for it?

  4. Counterpoint: If I had all those ingredients I wouldn't be eating instant noodles. I would be using other more expensive noodles.

  5. Yeah, that's what I want from a pack of instant ramen. Half an hours work and another half an hours clean up.

  6. Check if your super market sells frozen chopped mushrooms for this. Saves you so much time, money, and space!

  7. Sounds gorgeous though I don’t like mushrooms. Is there anything I can substitute for them? xx

  8. Why do all that work and then add shit noodles? Just make proper noodles while you prep and cook.

  9. I need a ramen hack/recipe Without mushrooms.. am severely allergic. I’d love to see more recipes without mushrooms and dairy (lactose intolerant) ????????????

  10. That. Sounds. Amazeballs.????????????????????????????????????????????????

  11. I get the food team are all mates that have known each other for ages but the food is clearly getting very avant garde echo chamber vibes and like can you just speak to anyone outside of your circle and hear no, no one wants to make this, no one wants to eat this. Look at it ffs. I know you're all great chefs just make something people want

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