Riddles and puzzles – that’s what makes our brains work hard. It’s a little bit like a gym for your mind – and brain training is never too much. We all want to be witty and clever, but in everyday life we seldom get a chance to boost these skills. Crack these riddles and get your brain working!
#brightside #riddles
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/
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do pies have icing??? that was a pie!!! second riddle
I love it ???? ????????
S. H. I
Its 1 patient
It's Vet
Are you in trouble
Only one wrong
look at the middle guy at 2:11 and who cooks like that
I got them all right
Hey, that first one was triflin af!????????????
I bought th BRIGHT SIDE Merchandise it was amazing
The quality of the clothes are perfect
I would recommend you all that you should get these
Bright side if you said I will outsmart you how do you now the answers to these questions
i got all correct but one wrong
LOL Imagine if an animal actually called the nearest vet.
The one with the cat if she had a scratches shirt doesn't that mean the cat doesn't know or/and like her?
Wow nice video i like this one
I feel like your voice changed
It. was amber because she said she was doing the icing but she sprinkled flower on the cake
I Ssasasdsrffgggfgftgyhguhbhbvyhfhvgvgytcgivftfgivghfyvguvfgvfyvghgguhgyvvtgcguiooplbwaqdfggfyhgjhgjbgubbujhhgbhnhnb
The thumbnail:who is the cat owner?
Me:none of them, I’m the cat owner :3