Hi Besties! PURPLE is not going anywhere this year and it is here to stay for hair colour trend of 2016 ! I have always wanted to try out dark purple for a while and finally decided to suck it up and bleach my hair for the first time!

I’m taking you guys with me the whole journey process! Hope you guys enjoy!


Jalan Senapati (above arasseo Soju Bar & Restaurant)
Hair Dresser: Ryoji Skate

28 Replies to “UNICORN HAIR TRANSFORMATION~! | Sunnydahye”

  1. Aku klo liat sunny dsini imut bgt wkwk trs kok dsini dy tuh wrn kulitny lbh putih dan cerah kayak org korea,klo wrn kulit yg skrg tuh liat ny kayak org indo wkwk

  2. Aku doang atau yang lain juga merasakan? Kalau eonnie sunny gigi nya kedepan mirip sama
    Nayeon-Twice dah lah jadi kembaran nya Nayeon eonnie sunny:v kalau eonnie borra kan mirip Eunji-Apink kalau eonnie sunny mirip Nayeon-Twice:|

  3. Di video ini kulitnya eonnie sunny masih putih susu bgt๐Ÿ˜‚ Sekarang d video2 baru udh mulai kecoklat2an gitu kulitnya walaupun masih terbilang putih ala org Korea๐Ÿ˜‚ Tapi jauh lebih putih di video2 yg bertahun2 lalu seperti video ini๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #TeamNontonUlangVideoLama๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. Kim was saying how great you looked with purple hair. SO true. Very pretty. You are a qt pie.

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