I Smoked Her & Made Her Bee Proof!

I Smoked Her & Made Her Bee Proof!

She Had Bees So I Smoked Her & Made Her Bee Proof!

That’s right she needed me to smoke her down, so I did! Hey, you would’ve done the same thing right?

This building should look familiar to you if you’ve been following my channel for a while. It’s a very difficult building to keep bees out of because its so low to the ground making it nearly impossible to keep them from re-infesting.

Julie & I had a good time with the bees on this day. They were very gentle albeit she was stung a few times, myself, perhaps a few as well.

There were much more bees in this colony than in the one removed from this same shed in 2015 & they made some pretty dang good honey.

JP the bee man fools with bees most of the year & has successfully removed & relocated thousands of bee colonies throughout southeast, Louisiana.

If you enjoy this channel & haven’t subscribed, please consider doing so, it is greatly appreciated!

Honeybgone can be purchased at https://honeybgone.com/.

Please check out my friend’s channels as well: yappy bee man, Schawee, 628 Dirtrooster & Jeff Horchoff aka Mr. Ed

Routine anti-âge : les conseils d’une dermatologue

Routine anti-âge : les conseils d’une dermatologue

Vous avez des petites ridules qui apparaissent sur le visage ? Une peau qui perd en fermeté ? Quelques petites taches ? Nadine Pomarède, dermatologue, vous donne ses conseils pour entretenir une peau mature.

Retardez les effets du vieillissement ! http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/beaute/soins-du-visage/niv2/anti-age.htm
Savez-vous prendre soin de votre peau ? http://test.doctissimo.fr/tests-beaute/tests-soins-de-la-peau/savez-vous-prendre-soin-de-votre-peau.html


Dr Nadine Pomarède, dermatologue (http://www.dermomedicalcenter.com/)

Production : LED

Copyright : ©DOCTISSIMO 2017

Aging & Weathering Models part2

Aging & Weathering Models part2

Mac McCalla, the “Master of Weathering” with 40 years experience, explains in his straight to the point down-to-earth manner how to take an “out of box” model and turn it into an old grimy, dirty, weathered mess! With a few basic colors and a little ingenuity you’ll learn the techniques necessary to weather your own models (and stuff) for a truly realistic look. During this video you’ll gain a new appreciation for rust and filth.




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BGM著作者様  清水裕介



This got super crazy! Don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!! Thank you to MTV’s Ex on the Beach for sponsoring this video. Watch new episodes of Ex on the Beach on Thursdays at 8/7c only on MTV.

@Brent Rivera
@Ben Azelart
@Jeremy Hutchins
@Stokes Twins
@Andrew Davila
@Dominic Brack

If you see this, comment how long you could stay if you won a boat! Love you guys 🙂

Como RETIRAR dinero de MERCADOPAGO a tu banco.

Como RETIRAR dinero de MERCADOPAGO a tu banco.

Nuestra Web: www.peludayte.com
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►►►►►►CRÉDITOS ◄◄◄◄◄◄
Música: Karl Neudert
Autor del vídeo: Isaac David Bonilla

SPACE COFFEE IS A THING! – Peachybbies April 8th restock video☄️🚀

SPACE COFFEE IS A THING! – Peachybbies April 8th restock video☄️🚀

Hey guys!

ETSY.COM/SHOP/PEACHYBBIES if you wanna shop💕

This week’s restock if full of floams and rainbow cream cheese slimes! My absolute favorite slimes are the black planetary floam and the pink and blue cotton candy cream cheese slime! Which are your favorites??


Grab Bags💕

🦄Main Channel – Youtube.com/andreaXandrea

🍬Second Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDh_…

🌴SLIME INSTAGRAM – Instagram.com/peachybbies

🍍PERSONAL INSTAGRAM – Instagram.com/itsaxdrea

✨Musical.ly – itsaxdrea

If you see this, comment your favorite BLACK EMOJI🎩

How to setup donations on Twitch! Paypal (2019)

How to setup donations on Twitch! Paypal (2019)

How to setup a donation button on Twitch. Donations are a big part of Twitch, users are a custom to donating to support the streamer. So in this video, I will show you how to setup donations on Twitch.

Download Streamlabs OBS: https://streamlabs.com/slobs/d/23006

DONATE: https://streamlabs.com/gaellevelgaming

DOWNLOAD OVERLAYS: https://gumroad.com/gaellevel



Join the discord: https://discord.gg/F8hhbUB

Follow me:

– Twitter: https://twitter.com/Level_Photo

– Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gaellevel
– Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gael.level/

Scott Buckley – Phoenix: https://youtu.be/WYfK5uEB-CE

How to setup donations on Twitch!

#Twitch #TwitchTips #Streamlabs

Stérilet : avantages et inconvénients – Gynécologie

Stérilet : avantages et inconvénients – Gynécologie

Il existe deux types de stérilets, très différents, mais ce sont tous deux des contraceptions locales. L’un comme l’autre peuvent être posés aux femmes ayant déjà accouché ou non. Il y a les DIU au cuivre et ceux à la progestérone. Comment fonctionnent-ils ? Le point avec Odile Bagot, gynécologue.

Tout savoir sur les stérilets http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/dossiers/contraception/niv2/contraception-sterilet.htm
Forum Règles http://forum.doctissimo.fr/sante/regles-problemes-gynecologiques/liste_sujet-1.htm


Dr Odile Bagot, gynécologue alias Mam Gynéco (https://mamgyneco.wordpress.com/)

Dico des nanas (Hachette Pratique) http://bit.ly/2cVZfos

Production : LED

Copyright : ©DOCTISSIMO 2017

Pourquoi a-t-on mal au moment des règles ? – Gynécologie

Pourquoi a-t-on mal au moment des règles ? – Gynécologie

Que se passe-t-il dans notre corps quand nous avons nos règles ? Pourquoi est-ce que les règles sont parfois douloureuses ? Explications d’Odile Bagot, gynécologue.

Règles douloureuses : que faire ? http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/sexualite/hygiene-feminine/articles/se_7097_regles_douloureuses.htm
Forum Règles http://forum.doctissimo.fr/sante/regles-problemes-gynecologiques/liste_sujet-1.htm


Dr Odile Bagot, gynécologue alias Mam Gynéco (https://mamgyneco.wordpress.com/)

Dico des nanas (Hachette Pratique) http://bit.ly/2cVZfos

Production : LED

Copyright : ©DOCTISSIMO 2016

Automassage contre les jambes lourdes

Automassage contre les jambes lourdes

Cette séance de Do-in automassage est excellente pour lutter contre les jambes lourdes. Suivez les conseils de Lise Billien, professeur de Yoga et shiatsu-ki.

Jambes lourdes : 10 automassages ciblés http://diaporamas.doctissimo.fr/sante/automassage-jambes-lourdes/
Quel massage et fait pour vous ? http://test.doctissimo.fr/tests-forme/tests-bien-etre/quel-massage-est-fait-pour-vous.html


Lise Bilien, professeure de yoga pour enfants, praticienne en Shiatsu, formatrice Do In
André et Juliette Nahum pour leur enseignement, leur savoir et leur amitié

Production : LED

Copyright : ©DOCTISSIMO 2017

Brûlures d'estomac : les aliments à éviter et à privilégier – Coaching Nutrition

Brûlures d'estomac : les aliments à éviter et à privilégier – Coaching Nutrition

Les sensations de brûlures acides d’estomac sont fréquentes après un repas trop copieux. Aurélie Guerri, diététicienne nutritionniste vous indique quels aliments éviter et privilégier en cas de brûlures d’estomac.

Les brûlures d’estomac en 10 questions https://www.doctissimo.fr/html/dossiers/estomac/articles/12518-brulures-estomac-10-questions.htm
Savoir reconnaître les symptômes des brûlures d’estomac https://www.doctissimo.fr/html/dossiers/estomac/articles/12532-symptomes-brulures-estomac.htm
Forum Nutrition https://forum.doctissimo.fr/nutrition/liste_categorie.htm

✔Abonnez-vous à la chaîne Doctissimo : http://bit.ly/1Ngkga5
✔Retrouvez-nous sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/doctissimo/
✔et Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/doctissimo/

Montage : Manon Scemama-Fortin

©Doctissimo – Août 2020

Question Nutrition – Quels aliments manger contre la constipation ?

Question Nutrition – Quels aliments manger contre la constipation ?

Aucun aliment ne constipe. C’est le déséquilibre alimentaire en général, le manque d’hydratation ou d’activité qui perturbent le transit. Aurélie Guerri, diététicienne nutritionniste, vous conseille sur les aliments à privilégier ou à éviter en cas de constipation.

Abonnez-vous à la chaîne pour retrouver tous les conseils fitness et nutrition : http://bit.ly/1Ngkga5

Rejoignez-nous également sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/doctissimo

Nut Maman
FMC après grossesse
Sophro Maman
Yoga grossesse
Coiffure petite fille

Quels aliments sont conseillés pour éviter la constipation ? http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/nutrition/mag_2001/mag0914/nu_4539_constipation_saviezvous.htm
Forum Nutrition http://forum.doctissimo.fr/nutrition/liste_categorie.htm


Naturalia (http://www.naturalia.fr)
Cookut (http://www.cookut.com/)
Galeries Lafayette (http://www.galerieslafayette.com/)
Magimix (http://www.magimix.fr/)

Production : LED

Copyright : ©DOCTISSIMO 2015

21 Day Bootcamp | Day 15

21 Day Bootcamp | Day 15

If you enjoyed this video be sure to Hiit “Like” and visit our channel for more free, daily, high intensity interval training (Hiit) workouts: http://www.youtube.com/thedailyhiit

Subscribe now to receive new Hiit workout videos in your feed: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=charliejames1975

For more free workout routines and nutrition tips visit our websites: http://www.thedailyhiit.com and http://www.bodyrock.tv

Find us on Facebook:
Main: https://www.facebook.com/BodyRock.Tv
Lisa-Marie: https://www.facebook.com/TheDailyHiit.LisaMarie
Sean: https://www.facebook.com/SeanLightBodyRock.TvHost
Freddy: https://www.facebook.com/TheDailyHiit.Freddy

Follow us on Twitter:
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Check out our other YouTube channels:
Lisa-Marie: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UClDNX3BO-8Dtf7b1B-2KI3Q
Sean: http://www.youtube.com/user/hiitmyvlog

Comment utiliser le gingembre ? – Phytothérapie

Comment utiliser le gingembre ? – Phytothérapie

Le gingembre est une plante condimentaire tropicale qui pousse dans les régions chaudes et humides. Très bénéfique pour la digestion, elle lutte aussi efficacement contre les nausées et vomissements et a des propriétés aphrodisiaques. Tous les conseils pour l’utiliser au quotidien avec Alexia Blondel, spécialiste en plantes aromatiques et médicinales.

Les remèdes naturels à base de gingembre http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/sante/phytotherapie/plante-medicinale/gingembre.htm

Forum Phytothérapie http://forum.doctissimo.fr/medicaments/phytotherapie/liste_sujet-1.htm


Alexia Blondel, spécialiste en plantes aromatiques et médicinales

Production : LED

Copyright : ©DOCTISSIMO 2016

Spring // Summer lookbook 2015!

Spring // Summer lookbook 2015!

What’s you’re favorite outfit?

tweet me if you’re watching now and i’l fave and maybe retweet♥ Please subscribe, its free. Open downbar for mini Q&A, social media and my PO box adress ♥
Wanna be friends? *MY LINKS*

BUISNESS inquiries only: rebeccaellie@hotmail.com
instagram:http://instagram.com/justmebeccca ,
http://instagram.com/inspiringwallflower &
vlog channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/rebeccavlogg
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/justmebecca/sets/spring-2k15
twitter: https://twitter.com/justmebecccaa

tumblr: http:/vicioxsangels.tumblr.com/
my website: http://rebeccaellie.com/
keek: becca_1999
Shots: justmebecccaa
vine @rebecca ellie
gifboom & pheed @rebeccaellie

want to send me a letter or somthing in the post? PO box Adress:
Rebecca Ellie
box 148
37122 Karlskrona
where are you from? im half swedish half english.
where do you live? Sweden.
how old are you? 16
when is your birthday? 1999 March the 29th
editor: cyberlink power director and windows movie maker
camera: JVC HD everio

Cake Decoration- Creating a Design part6

Cake Decoration- Creating a Design part6

In this “mouthwatering” video, expert cake decorator, Jerry Manderfield, teaches you the fun and creative aspects of bakery airbrushing. You’ll learn about the airbrush, compressor and accessories you need for airbrushing, Jerry will demonstrate several basic airbrushing skills including spraying dots, lines, borders, tinting and blending colors. Jerry shows the proper way of airbrushing with stencils, freehand lettering and the production spraying of multiple products, as well as accenting flowers and creating a design on a full sheet cake.

Рыбалка на красивой лесной речке / Ловля Щуки на воблеры с Алиэкспресс

Рыбалка на красивой лесной речке / Ловля Щуки на воблеры с Алиэкспресс

Расширение AliTools: https://goo.gl/tRh8Z7

Выбежал на пару -тройку часов на рыбалку, на красивую лесную речку, как спала жара, половить щуку на поверхностные приманки с Алиэкспресс -поппер и составник от Bearking -Magallon.Время было немного, но несколько неплохих кадров все же удалось запечатлить.

Многофункциональная сумка для ходовой рыбалки:
Проверенный шнур Lunker:http://ali.pub/2hu98j

Снято на камеру GoPro HERO4 Black Edition Adventure


КАТУШКА Daiwa Sol 2500

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Bee Man Vs Stubborn Bees In Shed Floor

Bee Man Vs Stubborn Bees In Shed Floor

I had removed bees form this shed 2 years & one month ago. That colony was underneath the floor on the right side.This colony was on the front of the shed right by the front door under the plywood floor.

This colony was more established with more numbers but the bees were very gentle requiring zero smoke to deal with.

The queen was a stubborn one to say the least, even more stubborn than the floor was to open.

The floor was screwed down, but several screws were countersunk whereby you couldn’t tell they were even there.

With perseverance I was able to do what needed to be done.

It was in the 90’s F when I began the job late Friday evening. Because the bees were underneath two different adjacent floor sections I ran out of time the first evening to pull all comb out.

I began Part 2, day 2 the following day, Saturday at 6:40 am. The queen was super stubborn & forced me to leave the box on site until Sunday night.

I went by Saturday evening to check the box to see if she had moved in & lo & behold she had, fantastic!

I am a beekeeper & live bee removal specialist located within 10 miles of New Orleans, Louisiana.

We have mild winters & bees thrive here & keep me busy approximately 10.5 months of the year.

I will go just about anywhere to deal with bees but home base is southeast, Louisiana.

The bee vac I helped test & design & highly recommend is the Colorado Bee Vac.

HoneybGone is my preferred bee repellent manufactured by Blythewood Bee Company who also manufactures Swarm Commander, honey bee lure.

If you enjoy my videos please consider subscribing to my channel, I would greatly appreciate that!

OUR LAZY Morning Routine | Yolz Channel

OUR LAZY Morning Routine | Yolz Channel

Hello hunies! This is how my lazy morning routine looks like with Baby Fez! Super chilled, relaxed but healthy morning routine! Enjoy!!!

Give this video a massive thumbs up if you enjoyed it, & please subscribe – it’s FREE!

Let’s connect on my social platforms:
Instagram: Yolz Channel
Twitter: @yolzchannel
Facebook: Yolz Channel

Love you stax!!

Business email: yolzchannel@gmail.com

Tech Stuff:
Camera: Canon G7x Mark II
Lighting: Natural Light
Editing software: iMovie

FTC: Not sponsored.

#LazyMorningRoutine #WakeUpwithme #GetReadyWithMe

Comment utiliser la sauge ? – Phytothérapie

Comment utiliser la sauge ? – Phytothérapie

La sauge possède de multiples vertus santé. Elle peut être utilisée pour soulager les maux de gorges, les gencives sensibles ou encore les aphtes ; elle régule la transpiration et permet aussi d’atténuer les bouffées de chaleur liées à la ménopause. Tous les secrets de cette planté méditerranéenne avec Alexia Blondel, spécialiste en plantes aromatiques et médicinales.

Les remèdes naturels à base de sauge http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/sante/phytotherapie/plante-medicinale/sauge.htm
Forum Phytothérapie http://forum.doctissimo.fr/medicaments/phytotherapie/liste_sujet-1.htm


Alexia Blondel, spécialiste en plantes aromatiques et médicinales

Production : LED

Copyright : ©DOCTISSIMO 2016

Garota VIP vs Garota Forasteira

Garota VIP vs Garota Forasteira

Subscreve aqui: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Rlsrc80R_4HfSZzT0uuXQ?sub_confirmation=1
Boa Aluna vs Aluna Má: https://youtu.be/q0ijKX4YaE8?list=PLDIsF3ecznsaXrx-jfy-rZ-T9WeUB67mh&playnext=1
O VIP tem permissão de tudo, mesmo o que é estritamente proibido para terceiros. O que não pode ser dito sobre o forasteiro, eles certamente não têm tanta sorte.

Follow Troom Troom Wow:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvj8vNOUbLgPrBTuAqjew6A?sub_confirmation=1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/troomtroom_wow
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/troomtroomwow
LIKEE: https://s.likee.video/@troomtroom_wow
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSvpFAdD/

Troom Troom WOW French: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ_AtdFo_LGRhvJe-s_xJzA?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW German: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnUlKyBh2FZQ9Fc1PfQGYrA?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Russian: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQYduWsBCnHEalxC9dgRJzg?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuHE45PmSHX_r5BSQhUiqVw?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Portuguese: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Rlsrc80R_4HfSZzT0uuXQ?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Polish: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeJ26pgDcqGA3dOmCektAmA/?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Italian: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7MzEi5hL3fP9TONZ3XFung?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Arabic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFcZ08772w4sCyfvTqHsqLg?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Japanese: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClk-O2O27XMKRNk0Tuhxnjg?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Korean: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoVzwHqXwILmxtd_hrOx7VQ?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Chinese: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA_jbaa5ysyYAfWpSuGvqHw?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW India: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ijnMD_HpLwApyg6eDf2zA?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Turkish: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS6GaulyWycbTRKHbppwALw?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Indonesia: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKaW534jic4C0rInaLicFmQ?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Vietnam: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPJt3miM2r8EEpRqveVDWNw?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Thai: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4MzGvGZtNBwQlcRywIXHqQ?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom WOW Dutch: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-CBaDgUGYAMU9O8mTq_Fsg/?sub_confirmation=1

Não te esqueças de ligar as notificações, gostar & subscrever!

Bee Man Vs Big Beehive In Shed Floor

Bee Man Vs Big Beehive In Shed Floor

This colony of honey bees in this guy Glen’s shed floor was apparently aggravating the neighbors enough for them to call code enforcement. When I removed the colony it had been in the floor of Glen’s shed for over a year.

I found the bees to be extremely gentle albeit they did sting me a bit after I exposed the hive, & a very big hive it was!

It was 90 degrees F the day I removed the colony & inside the shed it was much warmer than that!

I think you’ll really enjoy this video, it definitely leans toward the more educational spectrum albeit there is some entertainment value as well.

At the end of the video I release the queen & the following day go into the hive & find her again, filmed with my new GoPro Hero 7 Black edition, courtesy of my good buddy Yappy Beeman.

Yappy & I made a camera trade as I had one (a Cannon) just sitting there that he could use & I needed a new camera I could film handsfree with.

It was a good trade, something I really needed & I will definitely be incorporating the GoPro in future videos.

I actually have a handful of videos uploaded to my channel filmed with a Hero 2 & 3 but those cameras didn’t have built in stabilization like the 7.

If you enjoy the content I put out please consider subscribing & don’t forget to tell friends & family, I’d really appreciate that.

Thank you for being here!


Songs used in this video from Youtube’s free music library: Find Your Way Beat by Nana Kwabena, Watch It by TrackTribe.

Méditation – Nettoyage émotionnel (15 min)

Méditation – Nettoyage émotionnel (15 min)

Laissez-vous guider par la voix de Marion M’Santi qui vous propose de faire le vide et vous débarrasser des émotions et pensées négatives.

Méditation du matin https://videos.doctissimo.fr/psychologie/relaxation/meditation-matin
Forum Gérer ses émotions https://forum.doctissimo.fr/psychologie/emotions/liste_sujet-1.htm

✔Abonnez-vous à la chaîne Doctissimo : http://bit.ly/1Ngkga5
✔Retrouvez-nous sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/doctissimo/
✔et Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/doctissimo/

Montage : Lauryane Artault Frammery
©Doctissimo – Août 2020

Full body stretch yoga (20 min)

Full body stretch yoga (20 min)

Cette séance de yoga va vous permettre d’étirer l’ensemble de vos muscles en profondeur. Suivez Astrid Borgoltz, professeur de yoga.

Abonnez-vous à la chaine Doctissimo : http://bit.ly/1Ngkga5

Yoga du matin http://www.doctissimo.fr/forme/diaporamas/yoga-du-matin
Forum Yoga http://forum.doctissimo.fr/forme-sport/yoga/liste_sujet-1.htm


Astrid Borgoltz : Professeur de Yoga
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/astrid_borgoltz/

Production : LED

Copyright : ©DOCTISSIMO 2017

Comment utiliser la nigelle ? – Phytothérapie

Comment utiliser la nigelle ? – Phytothérapie

La nigelle est particulièrement connue pour ses petites graines noires appelées « cumin noir » qui permettent d’épicer les plats mais on la trouve également sous forme d’huile végétale. Cette plante a de nombreuses propriétés : elle permet de renforcer le système immunitaire, détruire les bactéries et stimuler la régénération cellulaire. Tous les conseils pour bien l’utiliser avec Alexia Blondel, spécialiste en plantes aromatiques et médicinales.

Les remèdes naturels à base de nigelle http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/sante/phytotherapie/plante-medicinale/nigelle.htm
Forum Phytothérapie http://forum.doctissimo.fr/medicaments/phytotherapie/liste_sujet-1.htm


Alexia Blondel, spécialiste en plantes aromatiques et médicinales

Production : LED

Copyright : ©DOCTISSIMO 2016

Natation : 2 exercices de natation avec une planche

Natation : 2 exercices de natation avec une planche

La natation est un sport idéal pour renforcer son dos. Denis Auguin, entraîneur en natation de haut-niveau, Team coach arena vous propose 2 exercices à intégrer à vos entrainements.

20 postures pour soulager le mal de dos http://www.doctissimo.fr/forme/diaporamas/yoga-pour-le-dos
Forum Sport http://forum.doctissimo.fr/forme-sport/liste_categorie.htm

Abonnez-vous à la chaine Doctissimo : http://bit.ly/1Ngkga5


arena https://www.arenawaterinstinct.com/
Denis Auguin
Marie Naegele

Swim Keel https://www.arenawaterinstinct.com/fr_fr/swim-keel.html
Tuba Swim Snorkel Pro https://www.arenawaterinstinct.com/fr_fr/swim-snorkel-pro.html
Plaquettes de natation Flex Paddles https://www.arenawaterinstinct.com/fr_fr/1e554-flex-paddles.html

Production : LED

Copyright : ©DOCTISSIMO 2017

Auto-massage du visage pour un effet anti-âge

Auto-massage du visage pour un effet anti-âge

L’auto-massage du visage est une une excellente méthode anti-stress et anti-âge. Installez-vous confortablement et suivez les conseils de Lise Billien, professeur de Yoga et shiatsu-ki.


Lise Bilien, professeure de yoga pour enfants, praticienne en Shiatsu, formatrice Do In
André et Juliette Nahum pour leur enseignement, leur savoir et leur amitié

Production : LED

Copyright : ©DOCTISSIMO 2017

Yoga du visage http://www.doctissimo.fr/psychologie/diaporamas/yoga-du-visage-exercices/se-preparer-a-la-relaxation
Quel massage et fait pour vous ? http://test.doctissimo.fr/tests-forme/tests-bien-etre/quel-massage-est-fait-pour-vous.html

2 exercices de natation pour renforcer son dos

2 exercices de natation pour renforcer son dos

La natation est un sport idéal pour renforcer son dos. Denis Auguin, entraîneur en natation de haut-niveau, Team coach arena vous propose 2 exercices à intégrer à vos entrainements.

20 postures pour soulager le mal de dos http://www.doctissimo.fr/forme/diaporamas/yoga-pour-le-dos
Forum Sport http://forum.doctissimo.fr/forme-sport/liste_categorie.htm

Abonnez-vous à la chaine Doctissimo : http://bit.ly/1Ngkga5


arena https://www.arenawaterinstinct.com/
Denis Auguin
Marie Naegele

Swim Keel https://www.arenawaterinstinct.com/fr_fr/swim-keel.html
Tuba Swim Snorkel Pro https://www.arenawaterinstinct.com/fr_fr/swim-snorkel-pro.html
Plaquettes de natation Flex Paddles https://www.arenawaterinstinct.com/fr_fr/1e554-flex-paddles.html

Production : LED

Copyright : ©DOCTISSIMO 2017

Vinaigre de cidre : quels sont ses bienfaits ?

Vinaigre de cidre : quels sont ses bienfaits ?

Riche en potassium, magnésium, polyphénols, le vinaigre de cidre est bénéfique pour la santé et peut vous aider à soulager certains maux du quotidien.

10 remèdes naturels contre les maux de ventre https://www.doctissimo.fr/sante/diaporamas/remede-naturel-mal-au-ventre

Forum Nutrition https://forum.doctissimo.fr/nutrition/liste_categorie.htm

00:00 Le vinaigre de cidre facilite la digestion
00:24 Le vinaigre de cidre soulage les douleurs musculaires
00:47 Le vinaigre de cidre soulage les infections urinaires
01:22 Le vinaigre de cidre est bon pour le cœur
01:42 Le vinaigre de cidre régule la glycémie
02:02 Le vinaigre de cidre ferait maigrir
02:29 Le vinaigre de cidre contre l’acné

✔Abonnez-vous à la chaîne Doctissimo : http://bit.ly/1Ngkga5
✔Retrouvez-nous sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/doctissimo/
✔et Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/doctissimo/
©Doctissimo –2021

E.L.F. x Dunkin' Donuts Makeup.. Is It Jeffree Star Approved?!

E.L.F. x Dunkin' Donuts Makeup.. Is It Jeffree Star Approved?!

Hi everybody, how are ya? Welcome BACK to my channel… Today we’re reviewing and testing out the brand new E.L.F. x Dunkin Donut’s makeup collaboration!!!

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+FOLLOW STAR YAK RANCH: https://www.staryaks.com
+ SNAPCHAT: jeffreestar
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💉 WE GOT IN A HORRIBLE CAR ACCIDENT… ► https://bit.ly/3sggAyH




Track: Arya & blankfaces – Daydream [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWEuF1tjdU4
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZi8_rnqgHg

Why they don't put salt in pasta dough

Why they don't put salt in pasta dough

Thanks to Native for sponsoring this video! Save 33% on your first Native Plastic-Free Deodorant Pack — normally $39, you’ll get it for $26! Use my code RAGUSEA2: https://bit.ly/nativeragusea2 #AD

Thanks to Dr. Frank Manthey at North Dakota State University: https://www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/ag-home/directory/frank-manthey

“Bread Science: the Chemistry and Craft of Making Bread” by Dr. Emily Buehler: https://www.twobluebooks.com/bread-science/




Hi, Loves! How are You?

For, today’s tutorial i decided to create a WEDDING HAIRSTYLE ROPE BRAIDED SIDE BUN..
Is , absolutely, amazing, so easy to recreate this hairstyle, even You are not good at braiding, You just twist your hair, that simple it is.

You can it on like a Wedding Hairstyle or Prom Hairstyle , it will work perfectly on all hair types wavy, straight or curly hair, and any hair length long,medium, even for short hair …

One more thing, when , I’m on a rush and i need an fresh and polish hair look , i , definitely, do it on my hair,absolutely gorgeous, super easy and super quick hairstyle !!!

Girls, Give it a try!!!

If You enjoy this hair tutorial, please, support Awesome Hairstyles Channel by giving it a Thumbs up : https://youtu.be/I-yFqxJ6ocw

And Subscribe for more 3 times a week new cute hairstyles : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6EnJGre3TkB7Nv9_mHBrSw

Skin Glow Pamper Routine | That pick-me up FACIAL

Skin Glow Pamper Routine | That pick-me up FACIAL

Hello Hunies, here is my beauty routine on Self-Care days where I tame my brows, permanently tint them, clay mask, nose peel and do a serum sheet mask for Glowy skin!

My morning routine:

Apple Podcasts: https://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct…
On Soundcloud: https://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct…

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TWITTER: @yolzchannel

Business email: yolzchannel@gmail.com

Tech Stuff:
Camera: Canon G7x Mark ii
Lighting: Natural
Editing software: iMovie

#SkinGlowRoutine #PamperDay #BeautyRoutine

BRILLIANT HAIR HACKS AND BEAUTY TRENDS || From Nerd to Popular | Cool Hair Makeover Tips by 123 GO!

BRILLIANT HAIR HACKS AND BEAUTY TRENDS || From Nerd to Popular | Cool Hair Makeover Tips by 123 GO!

We all want to look our best and hopefully these hair-raising hacks help you look fabulous.
What’s your favourite hair tip? Let us know in the comments below.

Don’t forget to share this video with your friends and remember to subscribe to our channel for more useful videos just like this one.

#123go #hair #hacks
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◉ YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCPo7CKRiDGn4h-H0RK5JdfA

Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Stock materials: https://www.depositphotos.com https://www.shutterstock.com

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First Day of Sidewalk & Brick Patio Demo + Planting a Birch Tree! 🌿💪🙌 // Garden Answer

First Day of Sidewalk & Brick Patio Demo + Planting a Birch Tree! 🌿💪🙌 // Garden Answer

🌿Affiliate/Sponsored Links🌿
Tater Tot® Arborvitae – http://bit.ly/37Ghrwt
Heritage Birch Tree – https://bit.ly/3OnIH9k

Proven Winners – https://www.provenwinners.com/
Espoma Organic – https://www.espoma.com/
Hartley Botanic – https://hartley-botanic.com/
FELCO – https://www.felco.com/ 10% off: TOOLS4GA

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